By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 May, 2009
Dj Dope & Giraffe

This is the third broadcast (May 12, 2009) of Be the Media, a program of the alternative radio station Media Redevelopment Action Radio at the Candle Light Media Center in Yongsan, Seoul, South Korea. Be the Media is a radio program project of Korea Indymedia. DJ Dope and Giraffe were MCing this first show. Anyone is invited to participate and contribute to the program. The program was broadcast mostly in English, with a few songs and few things mentioned in Korean. The program starts in Korean language for the first few minutes. It was broadcasted live in Yongsan, Seoul.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 May, 2009
Free Press

The Senate Commerce Committee held a hearing on “The Future of Journalism.” And a new study from the Future of Music Coalition examines playlist data from across the country to determine if FCC efforts to diversify music on the radio have made an impact.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 May, 2009
La Lavadora Paulina Hermosillo Mismo-Mundo

El fondo Monetario Internacional se resiste a morir. En la cumbre del G20-2009, el FMI cuadriplicó su capacidad financiera. Además se le encargó supervisar a los países, si están estimulando sus economías y si están reformando su regulación financiera. Cerca de US$500.000 millones serán destinados para rescatar a las economías en problemas. Sobretodo para los países en vías de desarrollo de Europa del Este y de Latinoamérica. México ha solicitado una línea de crédito precautoria por un valor de US$47.000 millones.