Police brutality

By Anonymous (not verified) , 6 June, 2012
Michael Slate

Dr. Leroy Carhart, Director of the Abortion & Contraception Clinic of Nebraska. While so many accept the Hyde Amendment as the "common ground" compromise, Dr. Carhart reveals the devastating impact of this amendment on the lives of women - especially poor women of color.

David Heilbroner, co-director of the film Stonewall Uprising, discusses the historic significance of the Stonewall Uprising - the first "in the street" rebellion of gay people - and its continuing impact today

By Anonymous (not verified) , 28 March, 2012
Michael Slate

Clyde Young, Revolutionary Communist and former prisoner, argues that Mass Incarceration Plus Silence Equals Genocide and calls for a National Day of Action against mass incarceration.

An excerpt from a speech by Bob Avakian, Chairman, RCP USA, "Revolution: Why It's Necessary, Why It's Possible and What It's All About," reveals the racist terror against Black people that is the spinal
column of this system.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 October, 2011
Michael Slate

"The Truth About the Origins of Israel, the Palestinian Nation, the Prisoner Hunger Strike in California Prisons and the Deputy Gangs Running LA County Prisons"

Alan Goodman, Revolution newspaper, tells the solid truth about the origins of Israel and the history of the Palestinian nation as the basis for understanding the imperialist maneuvering around Palestine's application to the UN.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 May, 2010
Friday Word-Of-Mouth

FRIDAY WORD-Of-MOUTH MAY DAY SPECIAL: No One Is Illegal & the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty focus on Immigrant Rights the night before the annual May Day march

'On May Day We March for Justice'- Susy Alvarez interviews a number of participants in last years annual No One Is Illegal May Day march for Immigrant Rights & Status For All

By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 January, 2010
Seeing Red Radio

This week we look at the hidden history of Haiti and the devastation exacted by global capital long before the earthquake struck, juxtaposing Pat Robertson’s hateful words with the “curse” inflicted by the World Bank and others. Also, horrific video is released of a white Springfield, MA police officer beating an African-American man while he was subdued by other officers, we’ll examine the racist legacy of the officer in question and the city’s infamously brutal police department.