
By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 June, 2013
Miranda Gibson

This radio documentary covers the cases of environmental political prisoners Eric McDavid and Marie Mason, who are both serving sentences of around 20 years in prison in the US. We look at why these two are considered to be political prisoners and the movement of prisoner solidarity around the world. We explore the significance of these cases from a global perspective and talk about June 11th, the international day of solidarity with Eric and Marie.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 November, 2011
Michael Slate

"The Inspiring Days of Striking Prisoners, Wall Street Occupiers and All Those Who Want to Change the World"

Larry Everest, author/journalist Revolution Newspaper, talks about the California Prisoner Hunger Strike and the retaliation by the California Dept of Corrections against the prisoners and the continuing need for people everywhere to stand in support of the demands of the prisoners.

Lawrence Davidson Professor of History, West Chester University, talks about the systematic efforts of the US and other imperialists to bring about the end of international law.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 October, 2011
Michael Slate

"The Truth About the Origins of Israel, the Palestinian Nation, the Prisoner Hunger Strike in California Prisons and the Deputy Gangs Running LA County Prisons"

Alan Goodman, Revolution newspaper, tells the solid truth about the origins of Israel and the history of the Palestinian nation as the basis for understanding the imperialist maneuvering around Palestine's application to the UN.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 14 September, 2011
Michael Slate

Carl Dix, Revolutionary Communist Party and James "The Doctor" Benjamin, Attica Brother/participant in the Attica Rebellion, speak about the Attica Rebellion - what happened, the significance of the rebellion and why it should be upheld today.
Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party (recorded excerpt of speech), speaks about War and Terrorism in the aftermath of 9/11.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 27 July, 2011
Michael Slate

"Prisoner Hunger Strike Update, Taking on the Stigmatization of Abortion and Standing Up Against the Christian Fascists in Operation Rescue During the Summer of Trust at Dr. Carhart's New Abortion Clinic"

Li Onesto, Journalist, Revolution Newspaper, updates the news about the Prisoner Hunger Strike in the Pelican Bay SHU and other Supermax prisons in California, including the end of the strike at Pelican Bay and the continuing struggle at other prisons.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 July, 2011
Michael Slate

"Does Perpetual War Mean the End of Truth, Does Working as a Hotel Maid Mean Inviting Rape and Does Prison Mean You're No Longer Human?"

Robert Parry, Journalist and Author,,talks about the neo-con political agenda deeply embedded in the mainstream media and what that means for digging out the truth.

Gail Dines, Author of Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality, dissects the assault on the immigrant African hotel maid who has accused Dominique Strauss-Kahn of raping her and concludes this is a story hatched in Pornland.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 13 July, 2011
Michael Slate

"The Importance of Using Facts to the Truth & the Stigma of Abortion, Chain of Torture Chambers across the US and Update on the Hunger Strike in the SHU at Pelican Bay State Prison in California"

Amanda Marcotte, RH Reality Check, talks about the importance of using facts to take on and expose the extremism of the anti-abortion movement.

Lance Tapley, Journalist and Author, talks about the nature of the Super-Max prisons that the torture inside their walls.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 6 July, 2011
Michael Slate

"Imperial Strategy in Afghanistan & Prisoner Hunger Strike Against Torture in Pelican Bay SHU (Security Housing Unit)"

Larry Everest, Journalist, Revolution Newspaper and author of Oil, Power & Empire: Iraq & the US Global Agenda, talks about the strategy behind Obama's Afghanistan Speech and the implications for U.S. imperialism.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 June, 2011
Michael Slate

"Cruel & Unusual Punishment in California's Torture Chambers and Racist Anti-Abortion Billboards Driven out of Los Angeles"

Li Onesto, journalist, Revolution Newspaper, digs into what's in and behind the US Supreme Court ruling that conditions in California prisons constitute cruel & unusual punishment.