By Anonymous (not verified) , 11 September, 2008
Free Press

Journalists covering the Republican National Convention were held at gunpoint during pre-emptive “security” raids, swept up in mass arrests with protesters, detained for several hours to several days, had their equipment confiscated, and were roughed up by police. Now journalists and citizens of St. Paul are demanding all charges be dropped.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 September, 2008
Skidmark Bob

1. Kissinger is mute
2. Lambert is Free
3. Wendy is Free
4. I-Witness is Raided Again
5. Torturing the "Terrorists"
6. Champions
7. Final thoughts

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 September, 2008
Free Press

In nearly 50 cities and towns across the country, media reform activists visited their representatives in their home district offices to urge them to veto the FCC’s media ownership rules. And in Davis, Calif., KDRT-LP won its dispute with the FCC to remain on the air after a big commercial station encroached on their frequency.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 September, 2008
BOLD collective

Brian Anson is a remarkable man of 74 years from Liverpool who has battled all his life to assist communities to a fairer and more just existence, he was worked in areas of conflict as an architect and as a social activist. He formed the ARC (architectural revolutionary council) in 1980's in Britain and spent many years as an architectural proffessor pushing for students to take more control of their education and to use architecture for what it is for: the creation of healthy happy communities.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 1 September, 2008
Skidmark Bob


Audio of video Two Incidents (Watch Live at
1 - Uptake reporter covers march that comes under fire by gasbombs when trying to cross street

2 - At Park Uptake journalist and others forced to sit down with hands on head while arrests are made journalists allowed to leave others peppersprayed and arrested.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 1 September, 2008
Skidmark Bob

Audio of Video Podcast
August 31, 2008
1. No Bombs at Food Not Bombs
2. Saint Paul Police Wish List
3. I-Witness Video Raided
4. The return of Katrina
5. Legendary K.O.
6. Police Action Analysis

By Anonymous (not verified) , 31 August, 2008
Andrew Ó Baoill

Greenpeace are driving a (vegetable diesel-powered) van across the country, bringing an array of solar panels from town to town, and using them to power local events. It ties into their campaign to draw attention to global warming, gather local stories, and then bring them to Washington.

Last Thursday, 28 August, I spoke with Drew Thomas - a local Greenpeace staffer - about a concert in Urbana, IL. The 7 minute interview opens with Drew talking about what's happening in Urbana, and moves to talking about the broader campaign. Audio is safe for broadcast use.