By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 December, 2006
WSQT Guerrilla Radio in DC

Mid afternoon on December 16, protestors handed out fliers and asked shoppers at Harris-teeter on Glebe Road in Ballston, VA not to buy their house brand hams as they are supplied by Smithfield,where workers are losing limbs to safety violations at the Tar Heel plant in North Carolina, a notorious anti-union state.

The previous week,a few activists visited the same Harris-Teeter grocery and spoke to a manager, who stated that Smithfield's union-busting and horrific injury rate "doesn't sound like United States in 2006."

By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 December, 2006
King Daevid MacKenzie

A collection of tapes from the most successful Top 40 radio station in the United States during the late 1960s. 56 minutes and 44 seconds.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 16 December, 2006

Tres audios formato OGG con entrevistas realizadas con personas detenidas en Nayarit recientemente liberadas.

Las entrevistas fueron realizadas en un acto realizado en la ciudad de Mexico a las afueras de las oficinas del alto comisionado de las Naciones Unidas.

los entrevistados son a los estudiantes universitarios Alberto Tlacael Cilia Ocampo y Omar Rodríguez Camarena, así como a David Cilia Olmos, padre Alberto Tlacaelel.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 16 December, 2006
Rita Sand

From the Trenches 11-27-06 broadcast quality, 27.8 mb, 64kbps mono, 59:45min plus 1 min music fades. On this program, Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now! speaks at Northwestern University. Her talk is preceded by an excerpt of David Goodman's remarks. David and Amy co-authored the book, "Static: Government Liars, Media Cheerleaders and the People Who Fight Back.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 December, 2006
AZ Radio IMC

48:05 Mins of couple hundred Protesters on the streets during Jimmy Carter Booksigning. On one corner were Jewish Community against Jimmy Carter,and on the other corner was Arab-Palestinian and Liberal supports of the former President. PT 2


Arab supporter protesters and corp media coverage.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 December, 2006
AZ Radio IMC

49:54 Mins of couple hundred Protesters on the streets during Jimmy Carter Booksigning. On one corner were Jewish Community against Jimmy Carter,and on the other corner was Arab-Palestinian and Liberal supports of the former President.

Board of Rabbis to hold rally to protest Carter's book

The Board of Rabbis of Greater Phoenix will hold a rally to coincide with former President Jimmy Carter's book signing for his recently released publication, titled "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid."