By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 April, 2008
WSQT Guerrilla Radio 88.1 FM in DC


There is an old saying that "the cops and the Klan work hand in hand" at these things, and it seems to still hold true today as white sheets are traded for swastikas.

On April 19, 20-30 Nazis from the National Socialist Movement(NSM) marched from the Monument to the Capitol protected by security that reminded many of the Pope's security mobe. As the Nazis arrived, a huge number of DC residents-and even some tourists-on the Mall joined activists in marching against the Nazis, probing for a way in to block them.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 April, 2008
WSQT Guerrilla Radio 88.1 FM in DC


In 2003, the occupation of Iraq begin under a blizzard of rockets and bombs launched by the United States

Now the tables are being turned, and the shoe is on the other foot! Today it is the occupiers who cower under a rain of rockets and bombs on the Green Zone!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 April, 2008
Johnny's Dad

Johnny Got a Gun (second version)
by: Johnny's Dad

They gave my boy a gun,
loaded with uranium.
war complex profits rise
you filthy rotten scum!

Our leaders lie and deceive,
to feed their corporate friend's greed,
pre-emptive war is what we need
while our veteran's kids are born with no feet

Our children will cry,
"What have you done?
You believed a lie!
Now look what has come"

Politicians working for you and me?
Neo-cons and mega money
Now we're voting electronically

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 April, 2008
Arab Media Center

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

No. 16/2008

10 - 16 April 2008

Crisis of fuels in Gaza due to the Israeli siege

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Escalate Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)


By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 April, 2008
Johnny's Dad

Johnny Got a Gun (second version)
by: Johnny's Dad

They gave my boy a gun,
loaded with uranium.
war complex profits rise
you filthy rotten scum!

Our leaders lie and deceive,
to feed their corporate friend's greed,
pre-emptive war is what we need
while our veteran's kids are born with no feet

Our children will cry,
"What have you done?
You believed a lie!
Now look what has come"

Politicians working for you and me?
Neo-cons and mega money
Now we're voting electronically

By Anonymous (not verified) , 18 April, 2008
Andrew Ó Baoill & Robert Naiman

A Critical Ear is a show on WRFU-LP in Urbana, IL. It is available for broadcast on non-commercial stations. This show starts with a discussion of Carter's visit to Palestine, and includes an extensive interview with Allison Hantschel about her book "Special Plans: the blogs on Douglas Feith and the faulty intelligence that led to war."