By Anonymous (not verified) , 13 September, 2006

Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre for Wednesday September 13th, 2006.

Israeli troops conducting an army offensive in the Gaza strip blew up a tunnel on Wednesday, while in the West Bank Israeli soldiers took fifteen residents prisoner.

These stories and more, coming up stay tuned.

The Gaza Update

Israeli troops conducting an offensive in the Gaza strip blew up a tunnel shaft on Wednesday that had been discovered during army operation the day before.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 13 September, 2006



producer n073 truncation occuried at about sixty minutes from origination, data unrecoverable

By Anonymous (not verified) , 13 September, 2006
dj lotu5

This week on radio Antifascista, I am joined by the amazing Private Pipi of the Boredom Patrol of the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army. We chat about recent and upcoming misadventures and do a small news update. // Este semana en radio Antifascista soy con Private Pipi de la Ejercito de Payasos Clandestino Insurgente y Rebeldia.

More about the Boredom Patrol:
More about the rebel clown army:

By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 September, 2006
he who is known as sefton

notice about how cropping a photo showing Lenny Bruce being frisked made it much more powerful.

Please return to this e.mail, after perusing the promised photo of Lenny Bruce. The photo can be brought up by clicking on the hyperlink just below:

click here first ===> Lenny Bruce frisked

or cut and paste the following u.r.l:

And thank you for returning.

As the old bromide goes, "it ain't braggin', ef'fen you can do it."

By Anonymous (not verified) , 11 September, 2006
Under the Pavement Radio Show

6th September 2006 edition of Under the Pavement, Manchester's radical radio show.
Full one hour show.

Under the Pavement is a long running radio show now broadcast every Wednesday afternoon 3.00pm-4.00pm on ALL FM 96.9, a community radio station serving south, central and east Manchester.

The show reports on direct action and grass roots resistance in the Manchester area though it also covers national and international issues.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 11 September, 2006
WSQT Guerrilla Radio 1700 AM in DC

Already the world price of sugar has DOUBLED due to Brazil's diversion of their sugar cane crop to ethanol production. While doubling the price of soda and candy is a cheap price to get off fossil fuels, douubling the price of torillas due to the use of corn in the US would NOT be!

In the global commodities markets, anytime the price offered for a crop by ethanol producers exceeds the price offered by food producers, the crop is used for fuel.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 11 September, 2006

Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre for Monday September 11th, 2006

A Child was killed by army shelling in Rafah today while his brother was declared clinically dead. Two Palestinians were also killed by Israeli Special Forces near Jenin. These stories and more coming up so stay tuned.

The Gaza update