By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 May, 2006

please see article for audio summary

a_few_minutes_of_tech.png, image/png, 82x80

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 May, 2006

TODAY IN PALESTINE, a service of the international Middle East Media Center for Monday may 15th, 2006

The Israeli Army arrest two Hebron residents and three residents arrested from Tulkarem, One farmer injured in the Israeli shelling of Beit Lahia and the Israeli Army installs a military checkpoint at Tammon village entrance and a Bethlehem resident arrested.

These stories and more coming up stay tuned

Army arrest two Hebron residents

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 May, 2006
Alex Smith

Valdez Truth, Exxon cover-up, sick workers, birds, fish. Research shows oil culture toxic for all of us. Includes speech excerpts from Dr. Riki Ott plus fun media clips.
20 minutes.

This is a script from the audio broadcast/podcast "Ghosts of Exxon" by Radio Ecoshock. The audio version contains clips from an important new speech by Dr. Riki Ott, plus news clips and excerpts from films not shown in this script.

[Opening: [Clips from trailer for 1992 docu-drama "Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster"]

By Anonymous (not verified) , 14 May, 2006
dj lotu5

This week on radioActive sanDiego, I discuss no border camps in germany and the US with a guest from Berlin. We play some German Hip-Hop and some other music. // Este semana en radio Antifascista, hablamos de encampamentos contra fronteras en el EU y en Allemana con un amoga de Berlin. Tocamos hip-hop de Allemana y otros.

More shows at / Mas programas en:

The other hip-hop we played was from / El otro hip-hop que tocara era de:

By Anonymous (not verified) , 14 May, 2006


By Anonymous (not verified) , 14 May, 2006


By Anonymous (not verified) , 14 May, 2006

please see article for audio summary

a_few_minutes_of_tech.png, image/png, 82x80