By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 January, 2006
Al Uh Looyah

This show, Al plays a bunch of a san diego hip hop artist, Id, if you like his tunes, buy his disc over at and other music including other local musicians, Higher Minds, Bunky, & Gas. Al also has a couple of rants about the lies and liars of our time with special attention to the suckass "democratic" party of the u.s. and consoles himself with more music including Zearle, Dead Prez, King Tubby, and other stuff.
2 hours

By Anonymous (not verified) , 18 January, 2006
Joe Broadhurst

Gore says Bush is the King, Bush busy connecting dots, MacLaughlin awaits next 9/11, ACLU sues, Matthews says pres must break the law, Napolitano says Hillary will too, Alito is a rock star, US forces raid everyone in sight, Stewart cups Osama's balls, Condi on Iran, Iran with IEAE, Powell defends HIS war, Ney is in the noose, Dems are Bush's best friends, CITGO takes another state, selling MLK to the gov't, Wall Street reaps big, Limbaugh on women as eye-candy and N.O. IS a choco-city.

Audio bites from the Empire
"Zapping" is a french term for channel-surfing

By Anonymous (not verified) , 18 January, 2006
Melbourne Indmedia Radio 3CR

The indymedia radio show of 18_01_06 from 3CR radio Australia, comprising local, national, regional and global indymedia features. approx 1 hour.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 18 January, 2006
Radio Pacheco

en estos archivos podras escuchar los discursos del ezln el primero de enero del 2006. son m3u y al abrirlos automaticamente te abriran tu reproductor de audio predeterminado, como si fuera un stream de radio.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 18 January, 2006
Alex Smith

To save the climate of Earth, the dirtiest fossil fuel needs to become history. Ontario, Canada is cutting coal power plants. The World Bank was told to stop financing new coal projects. US gets half power from coal. Carbon dioxide building into a planetary emergency. Save a living planet. End Coal Now.

You've heard the news. 30% of arctic ice gone. Floods, storms, fires. We're pushing the earth over a very big climate cliff. The time for talk is over. We need to act now.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 18 January, 2006
Radio Pacheco
By Anonymous (not verified) , 18 January, 2006
Radio Pacheco
By Anonymous (not verified) , 18 January, 2006
Radio Pacheco