By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 October, 2005
dj lotus

PSA for critical mass radio network using a song by filistine. All the brilliance is his...

This has the new broadcast date of the last Saturday of the month.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 October, 2005
ted... (just listen to the audio clip)

It started with an artical about Isreal getting caught spying..... then it began to spin, out of controll

The problem has been isentified years ago Tim Wise....

I put cut a short pice of the 57min talk,

and posted it here...... (above)

------------ The artical in question...? ----------

has growen....

--------- It's time "we" understand where these types of comments come from

By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 October, 2005
W. Aymerich
By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 October, 2005
Sh. Saood Shraim
By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 October, 2005
Robbie Sinnott

interview with Christina, Dennis and James
12mins 35secs, 128kbps (FM broadcastable)

This interview with three students from Binghamton University (upstate New York) was recorded on September 19th, 2005 at about 4 on a really hot Monday afternoon.

Subjects of discussion include the state of the union, the world and environmental future.

The three students, Christina, Dennis and James, were passing by the Federal Courthouse in Binghamton and noticed the presence of about 100 people outside.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 October, 2005
Megan Williamson

Interview with Jennifer Janssen, a Kenticky native, about the environmental and human costs of mountain top removal mining in Appalachia. This is an ongoing environmental justice issue that threatens the culture of the Appalachian people.
Originally aired on BlackBox Radio. 9:02

By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 October, 2005

este "show" esta todo en espanol para ti. aunque no lo hablo bien les queria encenar lo que aprendi viviendo y luchando en contra de los vigilantes racistas y minute mensos de este tiempo - por la frontera entre los estados unidos y mexico. al lado de muchos quienes estan luchando por los derechos humanos les quiera dar informacion, inspiracion y ensenarles unos tacticos efectivos que hemos encontrado juntos. con musica de victor jara, violenta parra, el gotan project y mucho mas! corre por casi dos horas - siempre en el estacion del radioActive sanDiego!