By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 October, 2005
Mr. Mike radioActive radio

First part of show on UFOs. Maybe an hour long.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 October, 2005
Mr. Mike radioActive radio

Show on weird 1972 Vietnam pirate "Radio First Termer." Don't know how long the track is.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 October, 2005
Mr. Mike radioActive radio

Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode mocking "Red Zone Cuba", ultra-low-budget stinkburger from Colman Francis. Don't know how long it is.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 October, 2005
wed oct 5 / 20.30 hrs CET De Balie, Amsterdam

China: The Next Generation - Do China’s minorities celebrate?
This evening you will be introduced to China's minorities. You will find out how Chinese authorities cope with minority-issues and will be informed first hand on the difficulties that these groups experience in their daily

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 October, 2005
David Grace

The Company Town Fights Back

Reverend Edward Pinkney of Benton Harbor, MI, has been fighting corruption in that company town. Whirlpool and the Chicago jetset want to take the lakeshore property and turn it into a playground of country homes. Unfortunately, the residents aren't going to have it, and have been very successful fighting back.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 October, 2005
)) ) i ( ((mx

audio reportaje formato OGG 04:14min

Se cumplieron 37 años de una de las mas notorias masacres en el Mexico moderno. Este año las marchas conmemorativas a nivel nacional se inscriben en el contexto de los fallidos intentos de juzgar y condenar a ex-funcionarios públicos involucrados en la masacre.

El 2 de Octubre simboliza ahora tambien el clima de impunidad en Mexico.

Este reportaje intenta evaluar las repercusiones politicas de este masacre estudiantil en la procuracion de justicia en Mexico.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 October, 2005
AZ Radio IMC

73:17 Minute Audio of Cindy Sheehan visit to Phoenix AZ.First, Press Conferance in front of State Capitol,then Rally-March that evening in front of Church,then Rally down the street to a Park
