By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 October, 2005
Megan Williamson

This piece details the use of forced psychiatric treatment and the pharmaceutical industry's influence on mental health care. Includes excerpts from an interview with Francesca Allen, an activist around mental health rights. Thanks to RedEye Radio for original interview audio.
This piece originally aired on BlackBox Radio. 8 minutes

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 October, 2005
The Alarm

An interview from early October with New Orleans Activist Jordan
Flaherty. From Issue #3 of The Alarm

An interview from early October with Jordan Flaherty. This interview
disscusses the city of New Orleans, the disaster industrial complex, the
hurricane of disinvestment that hit before Katrina, community responses to
the tragedy and profiteering, as well as talking some about Left Turn
magazine and the role of radical and community media in building
revolutionary social movements.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 October, 2005
dj salinger

3rd attempt

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 October, 2005
Al Uh Looyah

Al and Mohammed Abdula discuss 9/11 from a Islamic/Muslim perspective. We go over some of the more important evidence regarding the so-called "war on terror" which might be better termed a "war on Islam and Muslims". We also play some tracks from the new Public Enemy album, "New Whirl Odor" "911" by Clan Dyken and other tunes. 2 hours

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 October, 2005

Headline 100705

Three of West Bank Hamas leaders were kidnapped Friday morning, by a group calling itself, "Al-Farouk Omar Bin El Khattab Group.

Headline 100705

Three of West Bank Hamas leaders were kidnapped Friday morning, by a group calling itself, "Al-Farouk Omar Bin El Khattab Group.

This kidnapping is the first public activity for this group, which has not mentioned any affiliation with any of the Palestinian political factions. The first two kidnapping victims were released after a few hours while the third is still in custody

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 October, 2005

Weekly Audio Report
September 30-October 6, 2005

This week in Palestine - A service of the International Middle East Media Center, IMEMC.Org for the week of Friday September 30th to Thursday October 6th.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 October, 2005
Diamond Dave Whitaker

Updates from New Orleans and the Gulf Area

Slim Chance & Megan from S.P.A.Z. (Semi-Permenant Autonomous Zone) talk to Saxophone Joe, of the Jazz Vipers, from New Orleans preparing to open the Welcome Home Cafe in Washington Square, Foubourg Marigny.

Phillipe Chavez also is eager to draw the tribes together for this homecoming.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 October, 2005
Fri oct 7 / 16:00 hrs CET De Balie, Amsterdam

Dr. Harry H. Wu (Shanghai, 1937) is a well-known human rights activist. On Friday afternoon he will present his case in debalie. Beside him on the podium will be Dr. Tak-Wing Ngo (sinology institute Leiden) with whom he will discuss the current situation in China. Prof. Maghiel van Crevel will chair this program.

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