By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 July, 2005

A street-chat on danger with 100% evil Tomas, two clownlike protesters and a skater on the day be4 the Faslane action

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 July, 2005

3 talks on the impact of corporate concentration and corporate power in agricuture in the UK (-Vicki Hird of Friends of the Earth- 3.50), Costa Rica (-Didier Leiton Valverde of banana worker's trade unioin- 18.50 spanish&english) and India (-Devinder Sharma food analyst- 30.56) in order

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 July, 2005
MPH Radio

AUDIO interviews with activists and participants in Saturday's Make Poverty History march were uploaded to and can be found at:

Saturday, 2 July

The Community Media Association and Edinburgh Telford College broadcast an 8 hour special on ETC FM 87.7 in Edinburgh, and streamed live on the Internet. Here are a few interview clips from the broadcast

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 July, 2005
Keltoum Belorf

Ken Wiwa was one of the speakers on the discussion platform around environmental pollution and global warming. How is the situation and what needs to be done to stop global warming? What does he expect of the G8 summit?

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 July, 2005
Keltoum Belorf

Anti Globalist Market at the start of the Make Poverty History manifestation. The anti globalist consumer can buy everything from whisles to revolution books and newspapers...or just sign up a petitions....

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 July, 2005
Keloum Belorf

Interview with Kirsty Camouflage a member of the Clown Army after the march Make Poverty History. The members of the Clown Army were stopped by the police at the beginning of the march so most of them couldn't join the manifestation.