By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 July, 2005
imc-ie dunk

clowns, punks, cops chat
clowns and black bloc chat with local police outside train station
few hundred unusual looking types descend on the train station and meet the local police and ask them how things are going

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 July, 2005
imc-ie dunk

things are great here in scotland, uploading from the imc-scotland media centre, which was the heart of the network where outside on the streets last night there was a fine fine street party
happy days

5 audio reports:
late night chat
feedback from the DISSENT eco village, after a halfs days traveling we arrived in the wonderful site and pitched homes in the SPAS SPROAI (play space in gaeilge) barrio (local area neighbourhood), ate and had a few beers, first audio report is a brief soundbite from the gang of hippies, punks, anarchists, clowns, about 2am ( i think)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 July, 2005
Radio WANklank

Hier zijn 3 files met impressies uit het Stirling kamp, een van de aktiekampen die in de buurt van Gleneagles zijn. In Gleneagles begint woensdag de G8 vergadering.

Vanaf vrijdag is een groepje mensen van Radio WANklank aanwezig bij de protesten tegen de G8. Hierbij wat opnames gemaakt vrijdag en zondag in het kamp.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 July, 2005
Rita Sand

The beginning session of the IWW conference June 25-26, 2005 at University of Illinois at Chicago ended with Union Maid by Woodie Guthrie. 128 kbps mono, 2.8mb 3min

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 July, 2005
Rita Sand

128kbps mono, 9.3mb 10:00 min
This is the conclusion of the question and answer session.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 July, 2005
Rita Sand

128kbps, mono, 23.2mb, 20:00 min
This is the first part of the question and answer session.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 July, 2005
Rita Sand

128 kbps mono, 22.3mb, 20:00min
In this segment, Peter Cole, Professor of History at Western Illinois University speaks about his research on Local 8, the IWW's celebrated union of black and white native-born and immigrant longshorement in Philadelphia. these men, led by the legendary black Wobbly, Ben Fletcher, represented the pinnacle of interracial organizing in the early 20th century.