By Anonymous (not verified) , 1 June, 2005
Skidmark Bob

Special interview with Mark vocalist and songwriter from the punk/hardcore band The Unseen

By Anonymous (not verified) , 1 June, 2005
Skidmark Bob

Special interview with Mark vocalist and songwriter from the punk/hardcore band The Unseen.

Special interview with Mark vocalist and songwriter from the punk/hardcore band The Unseen
Mark talks about their new album "State of Discontent" how it was made and about the songs with samplings of those songs throught interview also about working with Epitaph/Hellcat records.
End song: Goodbye America

By Anonymous (not verified) , 1 June, 2005

Gaza Revote Delayed, June 1, 2005
Headline 06/01/2005

The local elections committee decided to put off for one month the revote at 51 polling stations in elections set for today. The decision followed a request made by Fatah officials in a bid to defuse tension between Hamas and Fatah. Hamas decided to boycott the revote if unless they were delayed because the delay constitutes one of the assurances Hamas required for fair elections

Gaza Revote Delayed, June 1, 2005
Headline 06/01/2005

By Anonymous (not verified) , 1 June, 2005
Indymedia Radio London

16mins 14secs mix of music and audio quotes about the G8 2005 - in particular the UK Governments (media) position of painting itself as the good guys when it comes to ending poverty re aid, trade and debt....(ahem!)

Should be 5.57MB @ 48kbps Mono

Remixed from original audio found here:


IMC G8 2005 reporting:

By Anonymous (not verified) , 31 May, 2005
Tracey James

Slave Revolt Radio 05-20-05 Muhammad Ali & the Media.

Slave Revolt Radio 05-20-05 Muhammad Ali & the Media.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 31 May, 2005
WSQT 87.9 FM in DC

Also, an update on the battle over a publicly funded baseball stadium in DC for the Neo-Nationals.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 31 May, 2005
WSQT 87.9 FM in DC

On May 27, DAWN and other groups protested military recruiting at 88282 Ga ave in Silver Spring, MD at a recruiting office that closed for the day to evade protestors on Memorial Day weekend.

This recruiting demo was interesting-one student pointed out that in a walthy high school three giuidance counsellors will help you get into college, but in Anacostia high the only thing guidance counsellors offer is "help" getting into the military!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 31 May, 2005
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