By Anonymous (not verified) , 14 April, 2005

Here's mp3 of Andres Conteris
shouting down John D. Negroponte
at his Senate confirmation hearing.
ogg and txt transcript forthcoming.

"Seems to me we don't even need this hearing."
-- Crypto Fascist Orrin Hatch. re: negroponte hearings.

33 seconds at 64kbps mp3

By Anonymous (not verified) , 13 April, 2005
AZ Radio IMC

10:36 minute Audio Copy of local PBS "Horizon" show of Debate between Susan Bittersmith,Az Cable Telecommunication Assoc.,and Kevin Adam with Az League of Cities & Towns concerning Legislation changing Cable TV in Arizona

House bill HB 2563, the bill pushed forth by COX cable lobbyists, has stalled in the house in a 28 to 28 vote but is expected to be reconsidered.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 13 April, 2005
Radio Mundo Real

Microprograma: Informes especiales de Radio Mundo Real

A partir del próximo 27 de abril se llevará a cabo en la ciudad de La Habana, Cuba, el IV Encuentro Hemisférico de Lucha contra el ALCA.

Si bien el proyecto continental impulsado por Estados Unidos parece estar detenido, los movimientos sociales se enfrentan con el desafío de acuerdos bilaterales de libre comercio.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 13 April, 2005
Mr. Mike radioActive radio

The last part of the show I did on April 1, 2005. In this segment I looked at the language of Esperanto, especially how to curse in it. Also, the gory story of the SGR. The track should be about 45 to 55 minutes long.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 April, 2005
Moshe Moscovitz

Moshe exposes the cowardice of the community for refusing to come on the show to confront him about Che Guevara's bigotry. Also exposed is the cowardice displayed by Dr. Harry Parad, Executive Director of for not responding to the allegations made on a previous show of counselor abuse towards campers at Wediko. Moshe and Shawn get into a heated debate over whether Pope John Paul II was an evil fascist at the end of the show.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 April, 2005
Paul Riismandel
By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 April, 2005
Paul Riismandel

Media scholar and activist Robert McChesney joins Drew in the studio, along with our friend John Anderson of and Free Press' Media Minutes. They discuss the state of the media reform movement, the upcoming National Conference for Media Reform, and McChesney's two most recent books.

The mediageek radioshow is a weekly critical look at our media environment, with a focus on independent media and the people who make it.