By Anonymous (not verified) , 16 April, 2005

Diffusion continue et permanente de musique libre (copyleft's), poésie, débats, feuilletons pirates, lives, dj, concerts alternatifs, etc.. sur radio-tzara

Diffusion continue et permanente de musique libre (copyleft's), poésie, débats, feuilletons pirates, etc.. sur radio-tzara

-- radio-tzara =

-- flux ogg + mp3

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 April, 2005

The week of April 10-17 has been branded as a Global Week of Action on Trade. Over ten million people haven taken part in thousands of events in over 80 different countries across the world. This weekend in Washington DC the Mobilization for Global Justice, is organizing a series of events around the G7 Finance Ministers gathering, as well as the IMF / World Bank meetings.
This report examines some of the problems in the global economy.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 April, 2005
AZ Radio IMC

54:48 Audio of Amy Goodman's Visit to Tempe Az at Changing Hands Bookstore with book signing of her book "The Exception to the Rulers:Exposing Oily Politicians,War Profitteers,and the Media that love them"


By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 April, 2005
Prensa Latina

Noticiero de 3 minutos sobre el acontecer cubano , nacional e internacional

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 April, 2005
Prensa Latina

Noticiero de 3 minutos sobre el acontecer cubano , nacional e internacional

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 April, 2005
prensa latina

noticiero de 3 minutos con lo mas importante del acontecer cubano, nacional e internacional

noticiero de 3 minutos con lo mas importante del acontecer cubano, nacional e internacional

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 April, 2005

This Week in Palestine - a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for the week of Friday, April 8th to Thursday, April 14th, 2005.

IMEMC Weekly Audio Report
April 8 – 14, 2005

This Week in Palestine - a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for the week of Friday, April 8th to Thursday, April 14th, 2005.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 April, 2005
indy on the move

The second part of our interview with Mrs.Playne. Fonji Who is into trying to provide education for her local community in Central of Africa.

She talks about the successes and struggles they encounter on a daily bases.
Listen to part two of our talk with Her.