By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 April, 2005
indy on the move

Some women are not only the core of holding their families together as was the old picture of the African woman. Today they are holding their communities together and pulling them to their feet.

Mrs. Playne is doing so by providing solid Education for the community. She also explains how they in the school she help found deal with the complications of HIV/AIDS when it comes hitting on the door as is the case these days in every community here.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 April, 2005
Kevin Williams

The MML Podcast for Tax Day 2005!

Today's show focuses on Training and Orientation of New Hires, Follow Up on projects and being available for your team. Join me won't you?

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 April, 2005
Perth Indymedia Radio Crew

[5 April 05] Interview with "tonja" - one of the WA "grappling hook 5", who tore at the Baxter Detention Centre Fences over Easter 2005.

[Note: The audio begins with a few minutes of the call and response contact between a few hundred activists and a group of detainees - some of whom climbed on the Detention Centre's roof - on Easter Saturday 2005.]

To read an account of the action:

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 April, 2005

aymara and dj trash candy break down the history of guatemala and the inevitable effects of cafta if things don't change now. they replay the video work from colotenango, guatemala where two companeros were killed by the police during a week long protest by thousands who condemn the passing of cafta by the guatemalan assembly. they move onto a conversation about nafta and cuidad juarez y las maquiladoras that really needs to be continued. about 2 hours.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 April, 2005

aymara brings in her brother to talk about his recent trip to chile. highlights include call ins from their papi asking them to stop talking about the family and their cousin in santiago who calls in twice while refusing to speak on air... introducing some of the best del movimiento de la nueva cancion: victor jara, violeta parra, silvio rodriquez, inti-illimani y mercedes sosa. about an hour and a half.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 April, 2005
Mr. X of

Late Night with Mr. X for April 15, 2005 has been posted!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 April, 2005
Eric Rainbolt

An 13:35 minte 2.4Mb MP3 is attached with Alex Jones
and Jack Blood discussing Martial Law and some aspects
of the Illuminati controlled Novus Ordo Seclorum
Conspiracy. Please lsiten to this MP3 tonight.

Dear People,

An 13:35 minte 2.4Mb MP3 is attached with Alex Jones
and Jack Blood discussing Martial Law and some aspects
of the Illuminati controlled Novus Ordo Seclorum
Conspiracy. Please lsiten to this MP3 tonight.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 April, 2005
ant #1687324

the final scene from "a bugs life" where the ants realize they outnumber the grasshoppers...

if cheney is hopper, then who is flick?