By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 February, 2005

The video is a film based on the first ever performance of AlgoKreeda, a game that is part of the AlgoMantra festival.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 February, 2005
Jody Paulson

How a bunch of private banks fleece the American people by printing their money and charging them interest for it. (3:25)

Hi, this is Jody Paulson from Moscow, ID with what they don't tell you.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 February, 2005
Jody Paulson

Where did America go wrong? One wrong turn, I think, was the enthronement of corporations, which now posess the same rights as "legal persons."

Hi, this is Jody Paulson from Moscow, ID with what they don't tell you.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 February, 2005
World Productions

I wrote this letter the day a single complaint arrived to station,
with the threat that the ADL would soon be contacted. This following
letter was provided in advance of the next day, of the time scheduled
for the complainant to return for a recording of the questionable broadcast.
The station manager refused to give the complainant my letter, and insured
me that I would no longer be allowed to produce a show for our community.
Is this fair to our Jewish brothers? Is this fair to you?

By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 February, 2005

An interview with Councillor Joan Collins on the current state of the bin tax campaign in Dublin

By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 February, 2005
ben frank

Sgt. Benderman on why he refused to re-deploy to iraq- mixed with music by projecti3 from

Benderman carries some weight, he speaks the plain and simple truth from a soldiers point of view. This could be inspiration for other troops looking for the courage to follow their conscience rather than orders. remember- 'i was just following orders' was no excuse at the Nuremburg trials.

(this was cut from a full 38min interview posted here at radio indy- unfortunately the interviewer did most of the talking in that one)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 February, 2005
radioactive sandiego

the third installment of radica radio.

radica radio is a fun loving feminist radio show on radioActive sanDiego.

this show was recorded december 1st.