By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 November, 2010
WSQT Direct Action Radio 88.1 FM in DC


Here is the playlist from our November 12 broadcast plus our coverage of the mess in Iraq, where the secular Iraqya bloc has walked out of Parliment. The first audio is our complete broadcast playlist, which is short at 28 minutes and repeated four times. The second is the Iraq war coverage, focussing entirely on Iraq because of profound events there this week.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 11 November, 2010
Donny Meacham

First we had Danny Kofke on the phone, Danny is a Teacher & the Author of the book "How to Survive (and perhaps thrive) On a Teacher's Salary"... We talked about the ongoing letdown in the education system. Also, with the current economic climate, we talked about ways to save money, and stretch your paycheck further. Then we talked about the Election 2010, and all the aftermath that has come of it. We played a YouTube recording of my little car accident that I was in. We played a song called If I Trust You by Sabby....

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 November, 2010
The Michael Slate Show

Polar Opposites, The World that Is and the World that Could Be: Police Murder in Orange County, CA & The Constitution For the New Socialist Republic in North America (Draft Proposal)

Michele Collender tells the story of the brutal and horrifying police execution of her 25-year-old, unarmed brother in front of his home by Brea, CA, police, the dehumanization of Julian's family, the demonization of Julian after the execution and the fight for

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 November, 2010
Ké Huelga Radio

El Espacio de Noticias intenta comunicar la resistencia de los pueblos contra el mostruo capital y sus gobiernos sirvientes. Se elabora en Ciudad Monstruo, México y forma parte del proyecto radial de la Ké Huelga Radio. Esta es la edición del 8 de noviembre de 2010.

En esta edición podrás escuchar, entre otros temas:

Ciudad Juárez: contra la militarización

De los métodos neoliberales

¿Y a dónde va el dinero?

Francia: sigue la movilización

Portugal: contra el recorte salarial

Inglaterra: huelga de periodistas

By Anonymous (not verified) , 9 November, 2010
Jay Mcloud


At last!! The best of Gaz Reynolds featuring the previously unavailable 7'' versions on one unique album! A must for new and old fans alike! Plus a few 12'' mixes tagged on for good measure!
A great compilation album from one of the most Iconic Artist’s in dance and popular music of today!!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 9 November, 2010
Andreas Klamm-Sabaot, Journalist, IBS

Interview with the American journalist, author and pubisher LUCY KOMISAR, which is one of the supporters on a petition for Wikileaks and Julian Assange. Last Friday 152 journalists from 40 different nations have published a journalist´s statement and petition to support Wikileaks and Julian Assange. The well known journalist and author Lucy Komisar from New York City, U.S.A. is one of the supporters. Production by Andreas Klamm-Sabaot, French-German journalist, Radio TV IBS Liberty. More information are available on following web sites: 1.