
By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 September, 2012
Michael Slate

Whether the US Elections or Imperialism vs Iran, It's Not the Lesser of Two Evils - They're Both Evil and Outmoded!

Bob Avakian, Chairman of Revolutionary Communist Party: In an excerpt from his talk "Communism and Jeffersonian Democracy" Avakian discusses what does - and does not - happen through elections...and what is - and is not - meaningful political activity.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 February, 2012
Michael Slate

This week’s show features Larry Everest (journalist/author/Revolution Newspaper) and Raymond J. Barry (playwright/actor)

Everest continues his coverage of the growing threat of war against Iran by the US and Israel. Barry talks about his play "Awake in a World that Encourages Sleeping" inspired by the book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" and the moral imperative we all come face to face with at some point in a world dominated by imperialism.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 February, 2012
Michael Slate

This week’s show features Larry Everest (journalist/author/Revolution Newspaper) and Raymond J. Barry (playwright/actor).

Everest continues his coverage of the growing threat of war against Iran by the US and Israel. Barry talks about his play "Awake in a World that Encourages Sleeping" inspired by the book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" and the moral imperative we all come face to face with at some point in a world dominated by imperialism.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 February, 2012
Michael Slate

This weeks guests are Amy Berg (filmmaker/director); Debra Sweet (National Director World Can't Wait); Karim El Hakim (filmmaker/director).

Berg talks about her new film "West of Memphis", the story of how the West Memphis 3 were framed, convicted and carted to prison for a crime the system knew they didn't commit. Sweet talks about the growing threat of war against Iran and a call to stand up against it before it starts. Hakim talks about his new film "1/2 Revolution", the story of the 2011 uprising in Egypt and how it was hijacked by the military and other pro-US forces.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 January, 2012
Michael Slate

"The War Drums Beating Against Bradley Manning, Iran and Women"

Marjorie Cohn, Law Professor/ Author, explores the impending court martial of Bradley Manning and poses the question of whether he is a hero or a traitor. Cohn declares him a hero and points to the hypocrisy of Manning facing charges while bona fide war criminals go free.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 28 December, 2011
Michael Slate

US Threats of War Against Iran, Music for a New Day and a New Way and Once Again Science vs Religion

Larry Everest, journalist with Revolution Newspaper and author of "Oil, Power & Empire: Iraq and the US Global Agenda", discusses the increasing threat of a US/Israeli war against Iran and the lies backing it up.

Outernational debuts their new 18 cut mix-tape album and we play the title cut from the album, "We Are All Illegals/ Todos Somos Ilegales" featuring Tom Morello, Chad Smith, Calle 13.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 November, 2011
zero hebdo

Réécoutez l'émission Zéro Hebdo diffusée sur radio FPP (Fréquence Paris Plurielle) le mardi 18/10/2011
- 50ème anniversaire du massacre du 17 octobre 1961
- Prisonnières et prisonniers en grève de la faim au Mexique
- Iran, Syrie
- Rassemblement contre les intégristes anti-IVG Devant l'hôpital Tenon

By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 October, 2011
zero hebdo

Réécoutez l'émission Zéro Hebdo diffusée sur radio FPP (Fréquence Paris Plurielle) le mardi 23/08/2011
- Australia Underground / Andrew McGahan
- Le son comme arme - Juliette VOLCLER - Éditions la découverte
- Antifas en Vendée
- Thierry Messan chez Kadhafi, le grand soir et l'Iran...
- Expulsions de ressortissants iraniens