War and Warfare

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 September, 2012
Michael Slate

“A Story of Pain, Treachery and Deceit: Rape, More Rape and Pillaging the Future”

Andrea Strong of End Pornography and Patriarchy: the Enslavement & Degradation of Women, talks about her article "Rape is NEVER the Victim's Fault, and digs into the culture of rape in the U.S. and the fight against it and to change the world.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 July, 2012
Michael Slate

"Ethnic Cleansing and Resistance in Palestine"

Salman Abu Sitta, Founder & Director of the Palestine Land Society
and the general coordinator of al-Awda the Palestinian Right of
Return Coalition, discusses the theft of Palestine and the genocidal
attempt to erase the Palestinian people from the face of the earth as the
longest continual Ethnic Cleansing in history.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 27 June, 2012
Michael Slate

"Amnesty International Sells US War, US Troops Moving In On Africa and Getting Down to BAsics with the People of Sanford, Florida"

Ann Wright, Ret. US Colonel, and former State Dept. official who left the State Dept in opposition to the War on Iraq, calls out Amnesty International's new campaign to paint the War on Afghanistan as a NATO humanitarian effort and the dangers that poses for the world.

Glen Ford, Journalist and executive editor of Black Agenda Report, discusses the role of AFRICOM and the recent escalation in the number of US troops stationed in Africa.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 April, 2012
Michael Slate

"An American Anthem: What's Behind Murdering Soldiers in Afghanistan, Racist Vigilante Killers in Florida and the Blind Arrogance of White Privilege on Stage"

Kathleen Barry, Professor Emerita/author, takes on the assertion that Sgt. Bales was simply a deranged soldier who went nuts and slaughtered 17 people, mainly women and children, in Afghanistan. Barry argues instead that this kind of sociopathic behavior is rooted in the training, mission and purpose of the US military.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 March, 2012
Michael Slate

Media Grease for the War Train, Bottled Water Destroying the Planet and Wall Street Starves Millions: Case Studies on the Need for Revolution

Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report/Blogger at Freedom Rider, talks about the Big Lies used by the media to create the climate for war against Iran.

Peter H. Gleick, author and President of the Pacific Institute, discusses his book "Bottled and Sold - the Story Behind Our Obsession With Bottled Water", a tale of the destruction of lives, health and the planet.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 February, 2012
Michael Slate

This week’s show features Larry Everest (journalist/author/Revolution Newspaper) and Raymond J. Barry (playwright/actor)

Everest continues his coverage of the growing threat of war against Iran by the US and Israel. Barry talks about his play "Awake in a World that Encourages Sleeping" inspired by the book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" and the moral imperative we all come face to face with at some point in a world dominated by imperialism.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 February, 2012
Michael Slate

This weeks guests are Amy Berg (filmmaker/director); Debra Sweet (National Director World Can't Wait); Karim El Hakim (filmmaker/director).

Berg talks about her new film "West of Memphis", the story of how the West Memphis 3 were framed, convicted and carted to prison for a crime the system knew they didn't commit. Sweet talks about the growing threat of war against Iran and a call to stand up against it before it starts. Hakim talks about his new film "1/2 Revolution", the story of the 2011 uprising in Egypt and how it was hijacked by the military and other pro-US forces.