
By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 January, 2013
WSQT Direct Action Radio 90.5 FM in DC

The second inauguratiom of Barrack Obama, unlike the first one, did not go unopposed by protesters ranging from anti-drone activists to environmentalists to anarchists. Barrack Obama ran on an antiwar platfrom, yet he has stepped up the murderous use of armed drones in country after country. He promised to close Guantanimo Bay in early 2009. Today, not only is Guantanimo Bay still open, but new legislation allows indefinate detention even of American "citizens."

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 October, 2012
WSQT Direct Action Radio 90.5 FM in DC

On the 11th of October, a third activist, Leah-Lynn Plante, was sent to jail for refusing to talk to a Seattle grand jury supposedly investigation Occupy protests on Mayday. In other words, three people are now being held indefinately in jail for refusing to snitch on Occupy activists and Anarchists in the Pacific Northwest.

The grand jury's act of sending a third activist to jail has unleased another wave of punitive retaliation by anarchists across the entire continent.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 September, 2012
WSQT Direct Action Radio 90.5 FM in DC

Pirate Radio Song
Station ID
Palestine Today for September 20
War Update:Taliban destroys 8 Harrier jump jets on the ground
Song clip: Ralph McTell: "Pick up a gun" counter-recruiting song
Station ID
Another pirate radio song
Grand jury resistance solidarity attack: Railroad sabotaged in NYC
Grand jury resistance solidarity attack: Yuppie restaurant trashed in Vancouver, CA
Protesters disrupt Trans-Pacific Partnership trade talks two days in a row
Occupy Monsanto dumps GMO "foods" at Monsanto's DC lobbying HQ
GMO song

By Anonymous (not verified) , 27 August, 2012
WSQT Direct Action Radio 90.5 FM in DC

The campaign of punitive strikes against the Grand Jury investigating Anarchists and Occupy on the West Coast continues! You may remember the Wednesday July 25th FBI raids against activists in Portland, Olympia, and Seattle. In those raids, search warrants listed "anarchist literature" as the subject to be searched for and stolen by cops as they smashed people's homes. In addition to the raids, a grand jury began a fishing expedition into west coast anarchists and Occupy activists.