Free Press

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 March, 2012
Stevie Converse and Libby Reinish

To celebrate Sunshine week, Free Press volunteers all over the country paid visits to their local media outlets to collect information from their public file. And the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing to examine how to balance the need to protect sensitive government information with the public’s right to know about threats to their health and safety.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 May, 2011
Stevie Converse and Megan Tady

FCC Commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker’s announcement that she’s taking a lucrative job with Comcast-NBC has struck a chord of frustration nationwide. And Righthaven, a company notorious for shaking down small bloggers on questionable copyright claims, is now in the hotseat.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 May, 2011
Stevie Converse and Megan Tady

A new initiative to spotlight women and girls as leaders across the world plans to promote 50 documentaries over a 3-year-span, showcasing women and girls fighting for social justice and equal rights. And the OpenCourt project hopes to make the wheels of justice more accessible to the public.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 28 October, 2010
Stevie Converse, Candace Clement, Megan Tady

NPR's decision to fire news analyst Juan Williams unleashed an attack on all federal funding for public media by a handful of politicians and commentators. But what the public really needs is to defend – not defund – public media. And members of the disability community in the Bay Area spoke out for Net Neutrality in a letter to the FCC.

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Defending, Not Defunding, Public Media

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 June, 2010
Free Press

The FCC opened a new proceeding for public comment on restoring its authority to regulate broadband providers, but have been holding secret meetings with phone and cable companies to discuss a legislative compromise. And public interest and consumer groups filed a petition to deny the Comcast-NBC merger.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 28 May, 2009
Free Press

A rich discussion about the future of journalism, the importance of public media and the urgent need for high-speed broadband access throughout the United States took place in Washington, D.C., as stakeholders from each sector sat together to talk about issues of content production and infrastructure.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 November, 2008
Free Press

A new report documents how conservative talk show radio shock jocks are part of an echo chamber that reaches across the country through local and regional radio hosts. And talk of resurrecting the Fairness Doctrine never fails to rile up the conservative base. But there’s no plan to bring it back. There are better roads to a more democratic media.