Media Minutes

By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 May, 2011
Stevie Converse and Megan Tady

A new initiative to spotlight women and girls as leaders across the world plans to promote 50 documentaries over a 3-year-span, showcasing women and girls fighting for social justice and equal rights. And the OpenCourt project hopes to make the wheels of justice more accessible to the public.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 June, 2010
Stevie Converse & Candace Clement

Rep. Maxine Waters made it clear to Comcast and NBC that the proposed merger of the two companies should not simply be rubber-stamped. And online newspaper San Francisco Public Press is about to launch its first print edition with the help of more than 50 journalists and other nonprofit groups.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 November, 2008
Free Press

A new report documents how conservative talk show radio shock jocks are part of an echo chamber that reaches across the country through local and regional radio hosts. And talk of resurrecting the Fairness Doctrine never fails to rile up the conservative base. But there’s no plan to bring it back. There are better roads to a more democratic media.