
By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 June, 2011
zero hebdo

Réécoutez l'émission Zéro Hebdo diffusée sur radio FPP (Fréquence Paris Plurielle) le mardi 14/06/2011
- Guérilla champêtre à notre dame des landes?
- Paysans bio de Fukushima cherchent terres non irradiées
Et pleins de musiques et d'invités prestigieux: A. Lauvergeon, N. Sarkozy, B. Hortefeu...
- La Phaze - Fievre De L'exil (We Comin' Roligher) (Feat. Eugene Et Pedro De Gogol Bordello)
- Miss helium - attaque la banque

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 March, 2009
Ezra Niesen

This is one quarter of an audio book. Environmental unsustainability and the imperialistic economies it produces is understood well enough now that farmers can see all the different parts of environmental science happening on their farms. The one thing they can't see is how scientists have figured out how all those things interact with each other all over the world.