native americans

By Anonymous (not verified), 5 June, 2012
Dan Roberts

YouthSpeaksOut! is a 60 minute monthly program with high school students in Mendocino County, California. The hosts are the native students, from Covelo, California, who produced an amazing day of singing and dancing from native tribes from all over California. The hosts discuss what a Big Time is, how they produced it, and the affect on the Covelo community. There is also a stellar presentation by Maggie Steel, a native woman from Sacramento. And singing and chanting from the groups who performed. Really worth listening to. PLEASE NOTIFY ME IF YOU REBROADCAST

By Anonymous (not verified), 8 April, 2011
Tariq Ali

Excellent speech on the United States empire, with historical background,
held in Auckland, New Zealand 21 March 2011

Original lecture title: US power today: The global hegemon (Sir Douglas Robb Lectures)

Auckland university introductory text: