Alternative Media

By Anonymous (not verified), 11 January, 2022

Noticias de abajo

Noticias de abajo 11 de enero 2022

Rompiendo Fronteras

KAZAJISTAN: Policías y ejército con permiso para matar. El presidente de Kazajistán no solo es corrupto sino psicópata, prefiere matar al pueblo y proteger su régimen.

PÁNAMA: El 9 de Enero de 1964 y la memoria histórica. Radio temblor

EUA: ¡Dejen de criminalizar a la prensa!: La persecución de Biden contra Julian Assange. Democracy Now

Desde el ombligo del monstruo

By Anonymous (not verified), 26 May, 2009
DJ Dope, BiGwangChun & Giraffe

This is the second broadcast of Pain Radio and Struggle News at the Candle Light Media Center in Yongsan, Seoul. News in English (3:00 - 49:00) and Korean (1:00 - 3:00, 49:00 - End). Struggle News & Pain Radio are radio projects of Korea Indymedia and Media Redevelopment Action Radio. Come and take part every tuesday from 11:30am! Seoul, Yongsan, South Korea!

Last week news:

By Anonymous (not verified), 19 October, 2008
Houston IMC

On Saturday October 18th the Grassroots Media Justice Tour Landed in Houston Texas, after starting in North Carolina and moving westward through the south. The tour brought media makers together to speak and present media being used to promote social justice. Jesse Muhammad, who joined the tour in Florida gave the concluding speech of the evening, talking about his life and the work he did as a correspondent for the Final Call newspaper making the story of the Jena 6 a household phrase and sparked a social movement. For more information on the event check out: