By Anonymous (not verified) , 26 February, 2004

Dahr Jamail discusses journalists being mistreated by US occupation forces. (article 1)

Dahr Jamail discusses journalists being mistreated by US occupation forces.

A snippet from a longer interview in WHUS' Regime Change Radio.

"I personally have gone up to a scene to take a photo of a HMWVV

that was hit and they threatened to take my camera and break it

if I took a picture."

"There was a Knight Ridder photographer over on the Tigris river

a week ago, and he was shot at by a plainclothes CIA member, and

By Anonymous (not verified) , 26 February, 2004
Jose Surra

CACIQUE XUKURU I :17:02 min XUKURU II : 17:30 min XUKURU III : 5 :23min PALESTINA I: 14:51 min PALESTINA II : 13:08 min THIERRY DELFORGE I :13:35min DELFORGE II :11:22 min _HONDURAS I.:1:05 min HONDURAS I.:1:05 min HONDURAS:III:19:00 min HONDURAS IV : 19 :23 min HONDURAS V: 2 :38 min

(article 1)

Reportajes del programa de radio FM « ECHA PALANTE » latinoamericanos en Bélgica: Radio SI 101.9 Bruselas viernes 3pm ; Radio Centraal Amberes 103.9 jueves 12pm :

By Anonymous (not verified) , 26 February, 2004

Dal 21 al 25 gennaio si è tenuto a a Davos, il World Economic Forum e le proteste non sono mancate. Al WEF partecipano membri dei consigli d'amministrazione e top managers di industrie, ai quali si aggiungono capi di Stato, scienziati, dirigenti e vi vengono proposte e coordinate le politiche economiche da addottare.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 26 February, 2004
Matt Senzala / Nick Cooper

live on kpft radio

perseph1 - rap

equality - rap

flinn - rap

tom - keys

charles - perc

chris - perc

nick - drums

By Anonymous (not verified) , 26 February, 2004

here are 5 homemade PSAs you might play

on your webstream, pirate station, etc. (article 1)

here are five (count 'em 5) homemade PSA type mp3s you might play

on your webstream or pirate radio station, etc.




copyleft in entirety. have at it. knock your socks off.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 26 February, 2004

Truthfull translations back on line!! 100+ bush mixes and more!!

Diymedia.nets Truthfull translation page featuring Various heads of state audio mixes from various sonic artists is back on line!! after a too long hiatus check it out also check out rest of site for various media info!! donate to DIY Media today!! Special thanks to John Anderson keeping this awesome and much needed website.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 26 February, 2004
By Anonymous (not verified) , 26 February, 2004
V r i j e R a d i o .T K


for Koekoeroe Reedio FM 97.4 Leiden

Boerhaavelaan 345 ("Eurodusnie"), 5 min. from trainstation Leiden CS. Entry fee: voluntary donation.


8 pm Hall open.

8.30 pm Talkshow with people from various free radio's. Moderator: 'de Puike Prediker'. Theme: meaning, current situation and future of free radio.

9.30 pm Poetry: a.o.. 'A Love Supreme'; Werner, the 'Leiden Bob Dylan'; infotainment 'aik & wouter'.

11 pm Bands: Consider Phlebas (emorock), LA Farmers (punkrock), DJ's.