By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 February, 2004

Hot off the presses.

4 mins. 34 seconds. medium-low fi mp3.

You can get higher fi and oggs over at too

hear the sounds of the homemade studio -

"and we find that you're awol when the fast bullets fly" --marco capelli

By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 February, 2004
Josh, 4zzzfm

While white Australian's celebrated "Australia Day", indigenous Australian's and their sympathisers held 'Invasion Day' or 'Survival day' cermonies. At the Aborignial Tent Embassy (now in it's 36th year) in Canberra, a Corroboree for Sovreignty was held (article 1)

*Josh spoke to 'No' at the Tent Embassy

By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 February, 2004
Josh - 4ZZZfm

Josh talked to Terry Templeton of WTO Watch in Brisbane (Australia)last week about why a Free Trade Agreement with the US is not in the interests of most Australian people. (article 1)

See also

By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 February, 2004
No Sense

As near as I can tell, he admits to basically making "adaptations" of other peoples music, and then bitches that someone has "stolen" his music because no one wants to play his "adaptations".

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 February, 2004

4 Nights of live music, the Peace not War Festival, 70 bands

Starting this Thursday at the Hackney Ocean in London the

href="">Peace Not War

Festival is four nights of live music, Speakers, film, photography, and art -

to celebrate the anniversary of the biggest simultaneous human action ever, on

href="">Feb 15


By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 February, 2004
Tracey James/Geraled Smith

Audio mp3 1hr 49:57 Show from early january 2004

SRR mid january 2004 "makin it plain nuz" on Kevin cooper, grocers strike ect, "Beyond the shadow" on republicans in democrats clothes, Micheal Moore interview dissection SRR airs on Berkley Liberation Radio 104.1fm every friday 6:30 PST also aired on Freak Radio Santa Cruz 96.3/101fm 3pm thurs PST streaming live unlicensed radio at

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 February, 2004
Houston Indymedia News

A group trying to help people tranport themselves without being dependent on fossil fuels or being tied down to a weak public transit system.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 February, 2004

I read it before, and still think this doesn't belong here.

There are much more relevant current things in the audio world happening right now, e.g. free trade, bloatedness and propaganda of the general celebrity industry in neo right wing ineptidude political fashion, media concentration, culture attacks of all kinds etc...

Start a another church man!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 9 February, 2004
George Kennings




Did you do something about stopping the blocking of Joseph Ferrante's music by the music industry sectors involved?

Did you protest against such VILE conspiracy?

His ideas were stolen by lots of people through time. Much of what happened in the music scene during the last 15 years were HIS ideas. Do you think is fair?