By Anonymous (not verified) , 26 February, 2004
V r i je R a d i o . T K

friday 13:00 (C.E.T.): PROTEST DEMO Amsterdam

saturday 20:00 (C.E.T.): BENEFIT PARTY Leiden

Cooperative live transmissions these days relayed via various free radio stations worldwide!

(please send us your freq./streams info for linking)


friday 27th February 2004:

Call to all free radio makers, pirates, listeners and sympathisers: Assemble at 1 pm

at the Westermarkt!

For a noisy protest march /streetrave through Amsterdam to protest against the "cultural cleansing" of the Dutch airwaves!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 February, 2004
Tracey James/Gearled Smith

100min reg prgm

SRR 2-7-04 Beyond the shadow segment on Henry Gates Intergrating beyond the color line.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 February, 2004

The draft may start in the summer of 2005.

There are twin bills pending in both chambers of the US

legislature (S 89 and HR 163) to fund the Selective

Service System (SSS) with an additional $28 million

dollars so the draft can be reinstated June 15, 2005.

According to Project Censored, SSS must give president Bush a report on March 31, 2005 on how the now dormant system, will be ready for reinstatement. Additionally, the Pentagon has quietly begun to fill the 10,350 draft board positions and 11,070 appeals board positions around the US..

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 February, 2004
Nick Cooper

Charles Soechting is the chairman of the Texas Democratic party. I interviewed him about the Texas Republican "dead peasant" scandal involving life insurance policies taken out on retired Texas schhool teachers, use of the word "evil" in his discussion of Tom DeLay, and the extent to which Clinton has been a predecessor to Bush policies.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 February, 2004
Yikes McGee

Protest Songs for the New Millenium: Yikes McGee's "Bad President" - disrespectful to the pResident, but he's earned it!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 February, 2004
Yikes McGee

Protest Songs for the New Millenium: Yikes McGee's "Hello Mama" - What's bin Laden bin doin'?

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 February, 2004
KRFP, Radio Free Moscow

In the context of a local preacher being accused of racism and historical revisionism regarding slavery in the South, KRFP, Radio Free Moscow is providing the following short interviews (each under five minutes). (article 1)

ALAN ROSE, Vice President of the Latah County Human Rights Coalition at hands for human rights.

MOE HENDRICKSON, UI Gay-Straight Alliance member

SELENA LLOYD, UI Gay-Straight Alliance member

CLAUDIA HEMPHILL, Graduate Student Association officer

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 February, 2004
KRFP, Radio Free Moscow, Inc.

Speech, question & answer session, and interview (article 1)

Mark Potok, editor of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Report, spoke at the University of Idaho Administration Auditorium Fri. 2-6-04.

Part 2 consists of about 8 minutes of conclusion of speech, then about 11 min. of Q&A.

In the third audio file, Mark Potok is asked what he thinks of Steve Wilkins' comments in the Moscow, Idaho-area press that he was surprised about being called a ‘neo-Confederate.’

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 February, 2004
Bob Hoffmann

Produced by Radio Free Moscow, Inc. Non-commercial use only. Please notify us of any broadcasts at . High-fidelity versions may be available on request.

Radio Free Moscow will soon be LPFM radio station KRFP, broadcasting with 100 watts from downtown Moscow, ID. Target on-air date is May 1, 2004. To find out more, or contribute, go to or write Radio Free Moscow, P.O. Box 8203, Moscow, ID 83843.