By Anonymous (not verified) , 29 January, 2004
Skidmark Bob

1hour audio mp3 download of GW Bush mixes LIVE show

CCR1 LIVE recording is a 1st in a random series featuring the many, many, many Bush mixes out their artists include Big City Orchestra, Department of Corrections, Scooter,King Missle3,Tino Corp feat,Steve Townsend,John Mellencamp,David Cross,Stenski Mass Media,Workshoppe Radio Phonic and alot more all about the most hated prez in american history you gotta laugh before you cry! Broadcast on Freak Radio Santa Cruz 96.3fm 101fm

By Anonymous (not verified) , 27 January, 2004
sunday monitor

Philip Knightly: The First Casuality

Jeff Shalett and Peter Marceau: Killing the Buddha

By Anonymous (not verified) , 26 January, 2004
King Daevid MacKenzie (among others)

This is an edit of the spot done for a while back, eliminating the local elements and turning it into something useable worldwide. Get this to your local community FM station, or put it on your webcaster. If you can clean and process it, let's hear it -- or better yet, let's hear your original promos!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 January, 2004
CMI-Mx .:-v-:.

Cayo Vicente interpretó esta popular canción acompañado por los machetes de los campesinos y campesinas de San Salvador Atenco que eran "cercanamente" vigilados por la Policia Federal durante la manifestación a las afueras de la Secretaria de Gobernación.

02:14 min

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 January, 2004
CMI-Mx .:-v-:.

Entrevista con Benyosef Laguna de la Comisión de Barrios y Pueblos de Tlalnepantla durante la manifestacion del 22 de enero en las calles de la Ciudad de Mexico.

09:04 min

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 January, 2004
CMI-Mx .:-v-:.

Comuicado del Consejo Popular Autonomo leido durante la manifestacion del 22 de enero en las calles de la Ciudad de Mexico.

04:04 min

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 January, 2004
CMI-Mx .:-v-:.

Entrevista con Rebeca, activista de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, durante la manifestacion del 22 de enero en las calles de la Ciudad de Mexico.

04:19 min