By Anonymous (not verified) , 1 November, 2008
Zéro Hebdo

Réécoutez l'émission Zéro Hebdo diffusée sur radio fpp le mardi 28/10/08
Reportages, articles publiés sur le réseau et ailleurs, musiques libres et militantes

Au programme de cette émission:

By Anonymous (not verified) , 1 November, 2008
Summersault Sunday
By Anonymous (not verified) , 29 October, 2008
WSQT Guerrilla Radio 88.1 FM

The position of the US in Afghanistan is starting to resemble that of the US in Iraq circa 2004. This being so, US generals are begging for 20,000 more soldiers, in a move evocative of Gen Westmoreland's demads for more troops for Vietnam in 1967.

AP wire story:

US will LOSE this war:

Transcript of WSQT audio:

By Anonymous (not verified) , 27 October, 2008
WSQT Guerrilla Radio 88.1 FM in DC


There have been two major developments in the war this weekend. The Status of Forces talks to legalize continued US presence in Iraq are "dead in the water" and the Iraqi Islamic party(the Vice Prez's party!) has cut off all contact with the occupiers after a raid on Friday killed one of their key people.

Iraq's leading Sunni party said Saturday that it is cutting contact with the U.S. to protest against an operation targeting its members in the Anbar province.