
By Anonymous (not verified) , 27 June, 2010
Seeing Red Radio Productions

Fresh from the new site, we feature Paul Le Blanc speaking on the topic, “What does Socialism have to say about Democracy?” He gave this talk in Chicago, IL, last weekend at Socialism 2010.

Democracy – Albino!
Democracy Is… – Mad Professor
Demo Crazy – Femi Kuti (Earthrise Soundsystem Remix)
Demokracy – Abjeez feat. MC Talka
Demokrassy – CivilianSlave
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy – David Rovics
People’s Choice – Derrick Harriot
Democrazy – Kokolo

By Anonymous (not verified) , 26 April, 2009
Ezra Niesen

This is the first of 20 chapters of my new audio book. A lot of scientists are saying now how glad they are that President Obama is going to make his political decisions based on evidence (they assume). I write all my books to show how the anti-globalization movement has all the evidence on its side, and to show activists how to prove it using books that are available through the public library.

The complete audio book can be downloaded from my website for free. I have other audio books for free download, free books in text, and books and CDs for sale.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 13 November, 2008
Andreas Klamm Journalist

Right Livelihood Award Schweden

Jakob von Uexkull: Menschen sollten sich mehr in der Politik engagieren und Demokratie verteidigen

Von Andreas Klamm

New York / London / Stockholm./ November 2008. „Die Menschen sollten sich mehr in der Politik engagieren und die Demokratie verteidigen.“, das sagte der Gründer und Direktor der Right Livelihood Award Foundation in Schweden, Jakob von Uexkull, in einem Interview mit dem Journalisten, Rundfunk-Journalisten und Autor mehrerer Bücher, Andreas Klamm, in einem Radio-Interview bei Radio IBS Liberty.