By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 October, 2006
Al Uh Looyah

Hey folks, This show I spin a lot of reggae, chop it up a bit about habeus corpus, the kebra nagast, and La Otra Campana (play some audio of it en espanol) and then play some more music like shiragirl, j.w. May, Eric Idle, the Troggs, and more reggae..
listen live on radioactive sandiego wednesdays 6-8pm

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 October, 2006
Ahmad Reza Taheri

The book: “Globalization and International Relations Theory” (1999) by Ian Clark actually helped and facilitated this note on “Real Sovereign State.”

The Real Sovereign State

By: Ahmad Reza Taheri

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 October, 2006
London Sound Posse

Clips of the event held by Action Iran and the Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (CASMII) at Room 101 of the University of London Union.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 October, 2006
Medios Independientes

Tomato pickers from Immokalee Florida finialize their mini-tour of the 2006 season at the McDonald's headquarters in Oakbrook.Il. The objective of this 11 day tour was to demand that McDonald's respond to the demands of their farmworkers and resolve the human rights crisis that exist in the fields. Independent media works to bring you a summary of the days events as told by the workers,student and faith based allies themselves.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 October, 2006

lofi audio grab from analog tv

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 October, 2006


By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 October, 2006

0. the ivl0g show, episode 26
1. the future of indymedia: audio directstreamcopy from techtv about "citizen journalism"

the ivl0g show - guitar trick part 0
audio tweeks
0. ADD 1.3s @ 7.3s
1. DEL 4s @ 43s
2. INS 1s @ 3:53
3. INS 1s @ 4:04

*n073: a part of this video short is out of sync

video: xvid (see or for the open source, multiplatform format)
audio: mp3

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 October, 2006
Skidmark Bob

Another installment of Commander & Chief Radio Vol 19
and counting all new mixes, mashups and music about
43rd president of the United States is the current master of obfuscation.

CCR19 Playlist

- ToTom - Rio_Grande_Mashup

- The Coup - Head (of state)

- Cjacksonrun - G Dubs Nonsense

- Catfive - Acid for the USA

- gwb singers - embetterment

- Glitch - The Greed

- Bushit - Mr Lovely

- Fred Wreck - mr president(dirty)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 October, 2006
Mental Health

Federal support is needed to reverse the increasing "criminalization" of mental illness and drug addiction, according to APA and federal health officials.