By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 October, 2006
AZ Radio IMC

31:37 minute Audio of Democratic Party sponsored Rally in front Tempe City Hall with most Democrats running for office,with featured speaker Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois.


By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 October, 2006
Zoeann Murphy

Albany, NY – On Monday October 30, from 6 – 8 PM, The Harriet Tubman High School at 103 Schuyler Street in Albany will host a free reception for the one-night photography exhibition entitled Not As Seen On T.V.: Katrina Destruction and Rebuilding Efforts. The photographs on display were taken by local students from the Albany Free School during a trip to New Orleans.

Not As Seen On T.V: Hurricane Katrina Destruction and Rebuilding Efforts
A Photography Exhibition by Local Students of the Capital Region

By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 October, 2006

Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre for Monday October 23th, 2006.

Seven Palestinians killed today in Beit Hanoun with at least thirty injured, Israeli soldiers invade Tammoun village, killing one. These stories and more coming up stay tuned.

The Gaza Update

By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 October, 2006

Mesa de discusión, análisis e información sobre medios libres y comunitarios en cooperación sin mando. Programa radiofónico transmitido el 19 de octubre de 2006, en Radio Plantón 92.5 FM :: TEMA: Video y Televisión comuntarios --- 59min/ OGG /

Colaboradores de medios de comunicación independientes del sector Oaxaca de indymedia Mexico, comentando, opinando y creando sobre la televisión comuntaria y el video independiente.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 October, 2006

Australia's media are changing by new Mc Carthyism and $$$ concentration 29 mins stereo…

Australia's media ownership laws have changed and the public broadcaster ABC is undergoing a new "Mc Carthyism guidance".
Don, former ABC employee talks about his perceptions. N- Dee tells us about Korea's worldwide involvement in heroin trafficking.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 October, 2006
AZ Radio IMC

70:34 minute of book signing at Changing Hands Bookstore Tempe Az with book:"Static:Government Liars,Media Cheerleaders,and the People Who Fight Back"


By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 October, 2006
Maxwell Doherty

political talk review on Captain Dragan Vasiljkovi'c latest court hearing and music.

Finaly back on air after more than 1 year, more political coverage.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 October, 2006
Renee Feltz

An all-female panel and members of the public discuss the mothers’ movement, maquilas, government corruption and the femicide in Juárez, Mexico. These topics are addressed in Frontera 450+, an exhibit now at the Station Museum, which co-sponsored this forum with UH.

El Paso Times Journalist and author of Harvest of Women: Mexican Safari

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 October, 2006

In part 3 we talk with Chairman Fred Hampton Jr of the POCC about the current state of politics and how we should be honoring the Panthers. We also get an in-depth breakdown about the Panthers on the East Coast. We speak with several members of the Boston, New Bedford, and New Haven chapters

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 October, 2006

In part 2 we interview former Panther Malik Raheim out of New Orleans about the work he’s done in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina as well as the history of the Panthers in New Orleans. We start off the segment with a speech from H. Rap Brown