By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 March, 2005
Al Uh Looyah

this is parts of a January interview with Bill and Tony Payton on RadioActive SanDiego. Unfortunately, we had some technical problems during the recording of the show, so theres some gaps during the interview and it cuts abruptly at the "end" which actually is only 28 or so minutes into the show. My apologies!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 March, 2005
Kevin Williams

Welcome to the first Middle Management Lobotomy Podcast. This is a live experiment seeking to find out if people really do lose their mind when they are promoted to a management position.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 March, 2005
AF - August Sound Coalition

War Resistors League Counter-Recruit Action NYC Times Square 3-19. Coffins, draped in black, were carried to the NYC US Military Recruitment Center at Times Square. The recruitment center was shut down in anticipation of the action. Various individuals then engaged in a CD action, lieing in the street nearby, with the coffins beside them, till the police arrested them. A large crowd of bystanders cheered and clapped for the people who chose to do CD's.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 March, 2005
( ( i ) )ndyOAx

testimonios de Judith López y su padre Nicolás López, habitantes de la región Loxicha

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 March, 2005
( ( i ) )ndyOAx

Yesica Sánchez Maya, presidenta de la Liga Mexicana de Defensa de los Derechos Humanos, filial Oaxaca

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 March, 2005
( ( i ) )ndyOAx

Conferencia completa de Rupert Knox, investigador del Programa para America LAtina de Amnistia Internacional

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 March, 2005
( ( i ) )ndyOAx

Reportaje sobre la reciente visita de AI a Oaxaca
Además: conferencia de prensa, testimonio desde Loxicha y LIMEDDH --- audios formato OGG

Amnistía Internacional (AI) concluyó su mas reciente visita a Oaxaca, Mexico. A menos de 4 meses del inicio del nuevo gobierno estatal y en medio de una tensa situación política, el organismo internacional resaltó que la situacion de los derechos humanos en este región del sur mexicano es resultado de la falta de parcialidad en la procuración de justicia, especialmente en las comunidades indígenas.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 March, 2005
Mr. X & Just Julie

Join Mr. X & Just Julie for the March 19, 2005 edition of the "Late Night with Mr. X & Just Julie" Podcast.

Late Night With Mr. X & Just Julie for March 18, 2005 has been posted! Just Julie returns to studio X1! Hear a few Skype calls to other Podcasters (James & Shelly), talk about Hibatchi cooking and the debut of "Vinnie B's" own short Podcast. We also talk about the fine "Radio Free Calamity" Podcast. Of course we also do the stupid Mr. X newscast and other stuff that nobody finds interesting except our cat and the ladybugs infesting our home.