By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 March, 2005
David Newman

Audiobulb Record's latest compilation "Intricate Maximals" receives critical acclaim.

Intricate Maximals :: label compilation ::

THE MILK FACTORY (UK): ".... it is this very vision that shapes this collection, crafting every particular angle of each track. Intricate Maximals is no short of impressive and continues to show Audiobulb as an imprint to rely on. 4.5 / 5"

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 March, 2005
Kate McCabe // BlackBox Radio

This 6:30 segment discusses a campaign organized by Irish peace activists to offer political asylum to US troops flying through Shannon Airport on their way to Iraq.

interview with Damien Moran, a Dublin Catholic Worker/Pitstop Ploughshare

segment includes music

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 March, 2005
Max Sussman // BlackBox Radio

This 6:30 segment is a report from the Detroit anti-war demonstration on March 18th and a short assessment of the state of the US anti-war movement.

interview with participant in demonstration

audio of speaker at demonstration

interview of another demonstrator

phil ochs' "i ain't marchin' anymore"

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 March, 2005
Under the Pavement Radio Show

21st March 2005 edition of Under the Pavement, Manchester's radical radio show.
Full two hour show.

Under the Pavement is a long running fortnightly radio show broadcast every other Monday 9.00pm-11.00pm on ALL FM 96.9, a community radio station, in south Manchester.
The show focusses on radical and activist campaigns and activities in the city.

This Show's Interview:
Le Tigre
Exclusive interview with the feminist, lesbian activist group from New York

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 March, 2005
Rex Ateyfor

2hr weeksly show, This Week we touch on non lethal weapons

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 March, 2005
drew tarico

Harold Feld of the Media Access Project gives us the skinny on a petition by Prometheus et all to the FCC demanding a freeze on translator applications in order to halt the trafficking scam. And, coincidentally, the FCC does it.

The mediageek radioshow is a weekly critical look at our media environment, with a focus on independent media and the people who make it.