By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 March, 2005

Over the past few weeks there have been attempts by Shell to enter the lands of residents in Rossport, north west Mayo, Ireland, to mark out an upstream pipeline route for the Corrib Gas project.
This 15 minute long report is from Mid West Radio, the local station, and was made by Liamy McNally on March 1st while Shell attempted entry onto the land, and the local farmers refused access, on the grounds that proper consents are not in order.
Copyright: Mid West Radio

By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 March, 2005
Mr. X of If Then Software

"Late Night with Mr. X" Podcast has been posted for March 23, 2005.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 March, 2005
onto the ontologist

A show dedicated to the joy of Zapatismo! Onto the Ontologist rebroadcasts "Radio Insurgente" from Chiapas, plays zapatista music, reads declarations by the EZLN, and recites poetry and fables by Subcommandante Insurgente Marcos.

All in preparation for Onto's journey to Chiapas next month.

1 hour, 45 minutes

"Radio Insurgente", la voz de los sin voz, will be rebroadcast on radioActive sanDiego soon! Stay Tuned. For more info on Radio Insurgente, the EZLN, and the Zapatistas:

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 March, 2005
WSQT Radio 87.9 FM in DC

On March 19th, antiwar activists put into effect our new strategy by marching to Fayettsville, NC(home of Ft Bragg, 10,000 GI's in Iraq, and 20,000 Iraq veterans) to support antiwar GI's, antiwar military families, and others there who are opposing the war.

Although there were problems with the rally(mainly the organizer's caving to police demands for checkpoints), this was the largest protest in Fayettsville since the Vietnam War.

Vetnam Veterans Against the War, Military Families Speak Out, and several other groups supportign GI Resistance bottom-lined the action.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 March, 2005
Skidmark Bob

4 more years of CCR!!! all new featuring the genius mixmasters/musicians of Wax Audio, Whitehouse Gansta Rap, Xzbit, Big City Orchestra, MC Quake, D.O.C.Bush on Crack Radio, Toe, Vidar Brennodden, fun with bush

CCR13 March 2005 Playlist info:

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 March, 2005
Carmen LaSalle

RFK Jr. speaks at the Marin Civic Auditorium in San Rafael, CA on March 4, 2005, about the Bush administration's dismal environmental record and what we can do to save the planet from the robber barons. 59:03

This recording is a speech by Robert F Kennedy Jr given on March 4, 2005 in Marin Co. CA. He really lights into Bush's environmental policies and the Orwellian speech used to cover them up.