By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 August, 2009
WSQT Direct Action Radio 88.1 FM in DC

Here is the WSQT Playlist for the August 14th broadcast. This 43 min sequence repeated about 2 1/2 times in the 2 hour broadcast duration.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 August, 2009
WSQT Direct Action Radio 88.1 FM in DC

Pirate Radio song
Station ID
This Week in Palestine for July 27-31
Between the Lines segment:Settlers in palestrine and US aid
20 second song clip
Iraq Update for August 3:US gtroops EXECUTE Gay Iraqis
18 sec song clip:Oil Anthem
Afghanistan Update for August 3
desertion song 1 1/2 minute clip[
Station ID
Between the Lines short:Congo himan rights and foreign mining firms (R)
Coverage of July 30 Sheraton/union protest in Crystal City (R)
20 second song clip
Coverage of July 28 State Dept protest for Honduyras (R)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 26 April, 2009
Ezra Niesen

This is the first of 20 chapters of my new audio book. A lot of scientists are saying now how glad they are that President Obama is going to make his political decisions based on evidence (they assume). I write all my books to show how the anti-globalization movement has all the evidence on its side, and to show activists how to prove it using books that are available through the public library.

The complete audio book can be downloaded from my website for free. I have other audio books for free download, free books in text, and books and CDs for sale.