
By Anonymous (not verified), 9 November, 2011
Michael Slate

"The True Story of the Cultural Revolution in China: Knowing the Truth is a Critical Part of Changing the World"

An in-depth discussion with Bai Di, a woman who grew up during the
Cultural Revolution in China and took part in it, about the true story of
one of the most important and vilified events in human history. Bai Di is
Director of Chinese and Asian Studies at Drew University, co-editor of
"Some of Us: Chinese Women Growing Up the the Mao Era."

By Anonymous (not verified), 9 April, 2011
Tariq Ali

EXCELLENT talk on China with historical summary and instructive vignettes, some humour and a Q&A session, 1 hour 15 minutes, edited, compressed and adapted for radio by (please appreciate the work by donating for a non-profit, political-educational and lectures FM radio station)

By Anonymous (not verified), 15 February, 2009
Seeing Red Radio

The distinguished CUNY professor analyzes neo-Keynesianism as talked by the Obama Administration and walked by nominally “communist” China and the superpower balance by 2025. Seeing Red takes on the first of many popular misconceptions of Socialism in response to a website comment.

David Harvey “Why the US Stimulus Package is Bound to Fail”
Howard Zinn on Class

Mean Machine by Last Poets
Revolution by Dennis Brown
Bullet in the Head by Rage Against the Machine
We Can Work it Out by Stevie Wonder

By Anonymous (not verified), 25 April, 2008
Andrew Ó Baoill

A Critical Ear is a weekly radio show broadcast on WRFU-LP in Urbana, IL. It focuses on international affairs and US foreign policy, on media analysis, and on the labor movement. WRFU-LP is a community station operating out of the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center.

This week's show features a compilation of material, including a clean cut (soon to be uploaded separately) of Tim Robbin's address to the NAB.