occupy portland

By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 November, 2011

Part one - interview with elder about how to make change, Dave talks about elections, war and poverty, Cameron on Occupy the Pearl District, Metal discusses leaderless organizing (Joe and Grace host)

Part two - Dan speaks about progressive taxes, unemployment and corporate immunity, Dawn from North Portland; Olivia from St. Mary's Academy, young woman talks about moneyless society, Jacob on 9/11, Kevin on PGE and public utilities (Joe, Joe and Sue host)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 27 October, 2011

Check the link for live stream schedule.

Part one - Martha discusses Oakland crackdown, labor issues, Joe talks about camping at Occupy Portland, Jim talks about labor march

Part two - Interview with Crystal about New Orleans, Chris talking about community needs

Part three - Discussion of Portland's open reservoirs, interview with camper Mario

Part four - Musician, campers, kitchen announcements, dead zombie march

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 October, 2011

Part one - 11 am Interviews with coffeeshop volunteers, tech team, kitchen and library

Part two - 1 pm Richard Hernandez on activist movements, Randy Romein with Legal team

Part three - 2:30 pm discussion about November month of action, Josh on his experience camping at Occupy Portland, Everardo on experiences of Latino immigrant community

Part four - 3 pm Jimmy Pardoe plays music and discusses occupation movement

Part five -7 pm - reports from Occupy Ashland, Salem; kitchen committee needs

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 October, 2011

Part one - includes interview with hunger striking camper, elder camper in wheelchair

Part two - Campers Michael Wilden and Nadine on the welcoming environment of Occupy Portland

Part three - Camper Wayne Potter and Kent Ford, father of political prisoner Lumumba Ford

Part four - more discussion on Lumumba Ford and prisons

Part five - interview with veteran on Central America black ops by US forces

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 October, 2011

Hour one: Includes interviews with out of work print shop manager, nine-year old Elena, and Christopher Robinson

Hour two: Includes interviews with Jack about his choice to camp, description of Cornel West's arrest at Occupy DC, We are the 99 percent new hip hop song, description of Wells Fargo account-closing action, Amir of Muslim Community Center in Portland, Alejandro talking about Latino community