United States

By Anonymous (not verified), 11 July, 2009
Michael Fox

Venezuela News Summary (Audio: 11mins, 27secs) Venezuelan Solidarity Convoy Bound for Honduras Detained in Colombia - Venezuela: US Must Clarify its Position on Honduras - Venezuela Says Clinton’s Remarks Reflect “Profound Lack of Knowledge of Our Reality” - Venezuelan National Assembly Discusses Limits to Concentration of Media Ownership - Venezuela Fines Largest Food Producer for Illegal Beer Distribution - Venezuelan Inflation Continues to Drop While Unemployment Remains Steady

All news from venezuelanalysis.com

By Anonymous (not verified), 3 July, 2009
Michael Fox

Venezuela News Summary #85 (Audio: 7mins, 35secs)
Venezuelan Opposition Deny Honduran Coup - Venezuela Proposes United Nations Military Action if Diplomacy Fails in Honduras Coup - Gay Pride March in Caracas, Venezuela - Venezuelan Media Workers March, New National Paper Announced - Governor and Land Reform Activists Create Farmer Rights Council in Portuguesa, Venezuela - Venezuelan and the United States Re-Establish Relations and Ambassadors

all news from Venezuelanalysis.com

By Anonymous (not verified), 24 March, 2009
Michael Fox

(VA Headlines #78, 9mins, 44secs) Summary: Lula Says U.S. Should Improve Relationship with Venezuela - Venezuela and Colombia Deepen Ties -Venezuelans more Satisfied with Life, According to Inter-American Development Bank - Venezuela Raises Sales Tax, Maintains Social Spending - Venezuela Dismantles Seven Drug Labs Near Colombia Border - Venezuela Bans Controversial “Trawl” Fishing - Venezuelan Mayor Replaces Coca-Cola Plant with Socialist Commune - Prosecutor Requests Arrest Warrant for Opposition Mayor on Corruption Charges

all news from Venezuelanalysis.com

By Anonymous (not verified), 17 March, 2009
Michael Fox

VA Summary #77 (Audio: 10 mins, 18 secs) Venezuela Accelerates Land Reform - Campesino Orgs Unite to Oppose Assassinations - Venezuela Transfers Ports & Airports to National Gov - South American Nations Form Regional Defense Council – (Analysis) Psychological Operations against Venezuela

all news from www.venezuelanalysis.com

By Anonymous (not verified), 11 March, 2009
Michael Fox

(Audio: 9mins, 18secs) PDVSA to Pay Debts - Venezuela Streamlines Government Ministries - Venezuela Celebrates Int’l Women’s Day- Venezuela Calls Colombian Defense Minister’s Comments a “Threat to Stability”- Panama and Venezuela Boost Ties - Inter-American Human Rights Court Says Venezuela Did Not Violate TV Station’s Free Speech - Brazil's Lula to Discuss Venezuela in Talks with Obama - Members of U.K. Parliament Praise Venezuelan Government - Venezuela Expropriates Cargill Rice Plant - Venezuela’s Monthly Inflation and Unemployment Rates Drop

By Anonymous (not verified), 4 March, 2009
Michael Fox

Venezuelanalysis News Summary #75 (8min, 37sec, English)

Venezuela Solid Despite Global Crisis - Venezuelan Government Takes Over Rice Plants that Evade Regulated Prices - Venezuela Inaugurates Water Pump and Commune - U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization Says Venezuela Prepared for World Food Crisis - Venezuela Rejects U.S. Human Rights Report - Venezuela and Bolivia to Collaborate on Natural Gas Plant