By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 February, 2001
posted by jade

is this too old, the same old story, etc, and is it too late?

Inquiry into new claims of poll abuses in Florida
Special report: George Bush's America

Julian Borger in Washington and Gregory Palast

Saturday February 17, 2001

The US civil rights commission was yesterday investigating allegations by the BBC's Newsnight that thousands of mainly black voters in Florida were disenfranchised in the November election because of wholesale errors by a private data services company.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 February, 2001

this needs editing

Britain and the United States are thinking about easing the sanctions against Iraq. On Thursday, British and US officials are to meet to talk about changing the sanctions against Iraq, perhaps implimenting so called "smart sanctions." Smart sanctions would focus on arms control and let civilian goods into the country.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 February, 2001

this should be all we need, unless audio comes through from atlanta indy.

they may not even have anything, as all I saw there was pictures.

No word yet about arraignment for the eight earth

first protestors arrested saturday at a Staples

retail store in Atlanta.

Over sixty people rallied outside Atlanta's

newest Staples office supply store, while four

men and four women locked themselves down to

tree-stumps they'd fabricated out of cardboard

and chicken-wire.

The eight were charged with misdemeanor criminal

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 February, 2001

another comment from a protestor. it's raw and long, over a minute. you should be able to pull a couple of good bytes out depedning on what angle you go for the story.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 February, 2001

ef locked down inside a staples in georgia this past weekend.

I think people were released yesterday, I still have to read

the rest of the stories.

Beth Lavoie, IMC/Atlanta
Atlanta, Saturday, Feb. 17th 2001

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 February, 2001

a raw cut of some chanting and then a comment by a protestor

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 February, 2001

another backup story in case we lose too many "A" pitches.

The Navy and Coast Guard continue searching for nine

missing japanese students who were capsized when a

U.S. nuclear attack sub collided during a surfacing


Scott Waddle, the commander of the sub has refused

to discuss the accident with NTSB investigators until

the Navy completes its investigation.

Waddle says his lawyer recommended he only respond

to written questions about search and rescue efforts,

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 February, 2001

We might want to downplay or not touch this story at all,

even though it's going to be raging news the next couple


I wouldn't mind avoiding this at least til next

week, because I have a hunch it's some kind

of a setup. IE: I think US gov't is preparing to

discredit russia because any week now they

might bring up the kursk and prove that a US

sub sunk it.

I think bush needs as many of us to fear russia

again as possible and suspect this fed may have

even volunteered a fall.


By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 February, 2001
posted by jade

this is from headlines email

demonstration in Vancouver, BC next Wednesday, the 21st against the NAFTA decision that ordered Mexico to

pay a US company for a toxic-waste plant that was later closed by the

local government

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 February, 2001
posted by jade

possible story, i'm sure we could interview someone


Dedicated to Nonviolent Defense of the Yuba River



Community To Show Support for Yuba Nation Activist

WHEN: 6 PM, Tuesday, February 20

WHERE: Wayne Brown Correctional Facility, 925 Maidu Ave., Nevada City, California