
By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 January, 2010
WSQT Direct Action Radio 88.1FM in DC

Here is the playlist from our Jan 5 broadcast

Pirate Radio song
Station ID
Palestine Today for Jan 4
Gaza update fromBeteen the Lines
Coverage of December 30 DC rally for Gaza
GOP tries to stop Gitmo closure-Short form Beteen the Lines
Song:Anarchoice-War President:Written abouot Bush,now fits Obama too!
Station ID
The Avatar Manifesto
Beteen the Lines on the failure of Copenhagen
Sea Shepherd Update for Jan 5
Coverage of police harassment of Dec 26 HLS home demo in DC

By Anonymous (not verified) , 18 December, 2009
Andrew Ó Baoill

We discuss some 'dear colleague' letters (dealing with Gaza) being circulated by US Representatives, we talk about the surge in Afghanistan, and upcoming Haitian elections. Note: Bob will be in Palestine from Dec 27, so we plan to bring coverage from there during his trip.

Shorter show than usual, weighing in at just over 22 minutes. Hope it might still be of use to some of you. Also - if you do make use of it, I'd appreciate being told (though notice isn't required for non-commercial broadcast use).

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 November, 2009
imc-ie dunk

Brian Anson is a remarkable man of 74 years from Liverpool who has battled all his life to assist communities to a fairer and more just existence, he was worked in areas of conflict as an architect and as a social activist. He formed the ARC (architectural revolutionary council) in 1980's in Britain and spent many years as an architectural proffessor pushing for students to take more control of their education and to use architecture for what it is for: the creation of healthy happy communities.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 18 November, 2009
WSQT Direct Action Radio 88.1 FM in DC

Here is the playlist form our November 17 show

Pirate radio song
station ID
Palestine Today for Nov 16 with added Friday protest report
Iraq/Afghanistan/Pakistan update for Nov 17
Desertion song
Station ID
150 protest Goldman-Sachs bonuses in DC
Catholic Bishops hold poor hostage against Gay marriage in DC(R)
health care bill restricts abortion to those who can pay(from BTL)(R)
Fur protests in DC net arrest, police harassment
Sea Shepherds to sail Dec 7 (R)