
By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 July, 2011
Houston IMC Radio Collective

Rob of Houston IMC traveled to Palestine and Israel this summer as part of the Health and Human Rights Project Delegation, a project of American Jews for a Just Peace. On the July 22nd edition of the HIMC Radio Show on KPFT 90.1fm he spoke with the radio collective about his trip.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 April, 2011
Houston Indymedia Radio Collective

Tonight's topics were the Prison Reform Film Fest (April 2-3 & 8-10), Talento Bilingue de Houston's annual exhibit inspired by Sor Juana's revolutionary work (April 7- May 2), & Houston Anarchist Bookfair.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 14 March, 2010
SDS Media Team

As part of Israeli Apartheid Week at the University of Houston, Adam Wolfson spoke on a panel of young Houstonians who spoke on their expericences traveling to Israel/Palestine and supporting social movements against the wall and occupation.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 February, 2010
SDS Media Team/ Houston Indymedia

Students for a Democratic Society at the University of Houston hosted author, scholar and media activist Ali Abunimah at UH's University Center, where he spoke about the prospects of a one state solution as a solution to the Palestine/Israel conflict.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 February, 2010
HIMC Street Team

Sierra Club, American Lung Association, Environment Texas, Mothers for Clean Air and other health and environmental groups in the Clean Air Texas coalition rallied their members and allies to attend the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's hearing at the Houston Hobby Hilton on Tuesday, February 2nd. The Clean Air Texas coalition held a press conference in support of clean air, healthy Texans, and a vital new air quality standard limiting ozone pollution to 60 parts per billion.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 May, 2009
RoB - Houston IMC

On Tuesday May 19th activists gathered at the SHAPE Community Center in Houston's Third Ward from Michael Bell of the Jena 6, and a number of local organizers working to end to school to prison pipeline. attached is audio from Michael Bell, Robert Muhammad of the Nation of Islam, Kai Barrow of Critical Resistance, Maria Jimenez of CRECEN and Gloria Rubac of the Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement.