
By Anonymous (not verified), 10 June, 2013
Miranda Gibson

This radio documentary covers the cases of environmental political prisoners Eric McDavid and Marie Mason, who are both serving sentences of around 20 years in prison in the US. We look at why these two are considered to be political prisoners and the movement of prisoner solidarity around the world. We explore the significance of these cases from a global perspective and talk about June 11th, the international day of solidarity with Eric and Marie.

By Anonymous (not verified), 6 June, 2012
Michael Slate

Dr. Leroy Carhart, Director of the Abortion & Contraception Clinic of Nebraska. While so many accept the Hyde Amendment as the "common ground" compromise, Dr. Carhart reveals the devastating impact of this amendment on the lives of women - especially poor women of color.

David Heilbroner, co-director of the film Stonewall Uprising, discusses the historic significance of the Stonewall Uprising - the first "in the street" rebellion of gay people - and its continuing impact today

By Anonymous (not verified), 1 May, 2012
Frieda Werden

English barrister Polly Higgins aims to pass an international law against ecocide. The law is already being tested in the UK, where a mock trial jury convicted two CEOs of ecocide in their mining of the Alberta Tar Sands. Interview by Frieda Werden during Higgins's cross-Canada tour looking for supporters of the proposed law to help raise the issue at the upcoming Rio Earth Summit. More info: More info: www.eradicatingecocide.com

By Anonymous (not verified), 28 March, 2012
Michael Slate

Clyde Young, Revolutionary Communist and former prisoner, argues that Mass Incarceration Plus Silence Equals Genocide and calls for a National Day of Action against mass incarceration.

An excerpt from a speech by Bob Avakian, Chairman, RCP USA, "Revolution: Why It's Necessary, Why It's Possible and What It's All About," reveals the racist terror against Black people that is the spinal
column of this system.

By Anonymous (not verified), 29 June, 2011
Michael Slate

"Murdering the Oceans, Suppressing Truth-telling Soldiers and Vets, and Sanitizing the Grammys"

PZ Myers, Professor, Univ. of Minnesota, Morris & author of Pharyngula, the most popular science blog in the world, discusses a recent report from IPSO (International Programme on the State of the Ocean) and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) on what could be the midnight hour for the oceans of the world.

By Anonymous (not verified), 2 February, 2011
Michael Slate

Chris Hedges, Journalist/Author, talks about the terrible political landscape today, the paralysis of the liberals and the Democratic Party and the need for mass resistance.

PZ Myers, Associate Prof at University of Minnesota and author of the most popular science blog in the world, Pharyngula, talks about Gnu Atheism, the Philadelphia "Abortion Mill" and can you be a scientist and be religious at the same time or will you be discriminated against in the scientific world.