
By Anonymous (not verified), 9 March, 2012
Dan Roberts

INTRO for YSO! "Drugs- Education and Legalization" March 4, 2012
We have grown up in an area strongly influenced by psychoactive substances, commonly called “drugs.” Mendocino County has been a leading producer of marijuana for more than 30 years. It is also an epicenter for America’s “war on drugs.” Recently it has been in the forefront of attempts to legalize the production of medical marijuana, which is legal through dispensaries in California.

By Anonymous (not verified), 15 December, 2011
DégenréE, l'émission pour déranger!

Ce mercredi 14 décembre 2011, DégenréE, l’émission féministe pour déranger,
vous propose un retour et une analyse critique sur la polémique autour de
l’introduction de la théorie dite "du genre" dans les manuels de biologie
à destination des classes de 1ère L et ES l’été dernier. Quatre-vingts
parlementaires, dont les fondateurs de la Droite populaire, avaient
notamment demandé le 30 août 2011 au ministre de l’Education nationale le
retrait de manuels scolaires accréditant l’idée que l’identité sexuelle

By Anonymous (not verified), 28 November, 2011
Radio Chomsky

Speech delivered Nov. 5, 2011
Noam Chomsky - 7th Annual Edward Said Memorial Lecture: Unpeople

Edited, compressed and adapted for radio by the unpeople at Radio Chomsky in New Zealand! http://www.radiochomsky.org/ << PLEASE DONATE - we set up REAL radio stations, each $500 one FM station, broadcasting Chomsky, Parenti etc....

(MELBOURNE, Aust.) - The ESML is AFOPA’s showpiece event. This year’s guest speaker, Noam Chomsky, is a world renowned linguist, philosopher, and human rights activist. ....

By Anonymous (not verified), 2 April, 2011
Zero Hebdo

Réécoutez l'émission Zéro Hebdo diffusée sur radio FPP (Fréquence Paris Plurielle) le mardi 29/03/2011
- Faux ami: La grève de la justice CQFD de Mars
- Création d'un indymedia à Bordeaux
- 22, v'la la presse (CQFD de Mars)
- Noirettes à Vaulx en Velin la police en arme remplace l’assistante sociale

By Anonymous (not verified), 21 September, 2009
Ezra Niesen

Click here to download the entire audiobook: http://www.betterthanfaith.com/newbookforanewworld/Anti-Capitalism.zip

The environmental science movement since global unsustainability was discovered has been a lot bigger than most people realize. (As a result of yet another divide and conquer strategy.) It includes an evolutionary approach to psychology, to identify the reasons the decisions people make have led to environmental unsustainability in the first place.

By Anonymous (not verified), 26 April, 2009
Ezra Niesen

This is the first of 20 chapters of my new audio book. A lot of scientists are saying now how glad they are that President Obama is going to make his political decisions based on evidence (they assume). I write all my books to show how the anti-globalization movement has all the evidence on its side, and to show activists how to prove it using books that are available through the public library.

The complete audio book can be downloaded from my website for free. I have other audio books for free download, free books in text, and books and CDs for sale.

By Anonymous (not verified), 7 March, 2009
Ezra Niesen

This is one quarter of an audio book. Environmental unsustainability and the imperialistic economies it produces is understood well enough now that farmers can see all the different parts of environmental science happening on their farms. The one thing they can't see is how scientists have figured out how all those things interact with each other all over the world.